Indexing Documents Using AutoFill Keyword Sets - AutoFill Keyword Sets - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

AutoFill Keyword Sets

AutoFill Keyword Sets
Foundation 22.1

To use AutoFill Keyword Sets when indexing documents:

  1. From the Import Document dialog box, enter the value for the Primary Keyword Type.
    • To populate Secondary Keyword Values without immediately importing the document, press Tab(If using the OnBase Web Client and Primary Keyword Type is the last Keyword Type displayed in the Keyword Panel, press Shift+Tab). The Secondary Keyword Values in the AutoFill Keyword Set will populate their respective fields.

    • To populate Secondary Keyword Values and immediately import the document, press the Import button. The Secondary Keyword Values in the AutoFill Keyword Set will populate their respective fields and the document will be imported.

  2. If you entered a Primary Keyword Value that has more than one AutoFill Keyword Set associated with it, the Select Keyset dialog box is displayed. Continue to Step 3. Otherwise, skip to Step 8.
  3. When the Select Keyset dialog box is displayed, the Primary Keyword Value has more than one AutoFill Keyword Set associated with it. For example, both the people may share the same Case#, so there may be two separate sets of values for a Case# Primary Keyword Value.
  4. Depending on how your system is configured, you may be allowed to choose one or more of the AutoFill Keyword Sets.
  5. If you are permitted to select only one set, the values of your selected set are displayed in the indexing fields.
  6. If you are permitted to select multiple AutoFill Keyword Sets, the document is indexed with values from both AutoFill Keyword Sets.
  7. Select the AutoFill Keyword Set(s) from the list and click OK.
  8. Values not common to all sets are displayed at the end of the Keyword Type fields. For example, if two loan documents have the same values for Case #, last name, and address, but a different value for first name, then the additional first name value is displayed in the last Keyword Type entry field.
  9. You can verify if the Keyword Set Configuration permits multiple sets by checking the Settings. In the Configuration Module, select Keyword | AutoFill Keyword Sets, select the AutoFill Keyword Set you want to verify and click Settings. The Allow Multiple Keyword Set Selection option will be checked if the AutoFill Keyword Set is configured to allow for more than one set of values for one Primary Keyword Value. This is the only setting that can be changed once the AutoFill Keyword Set has been created.
  10. If you chose to populate Secondary Keyword Values without immediately importing the document, click Import to finish or display the Import Document dialog box for the next document.