In an Advanced Capture solution, image and PDF documents are routed to a Document Imaging batch status queue where the documents are matched to pre-configured Advanced Capture forms created by an administrator. Zones on the pre-configured forms indicate areas of the document that contain Keyword Values; these zones undergo OCR processing in order to extract Keyword Values used to index the documents.
When your solution is also licensed for Automated Redaction, you can configure the Advanced Capture forms' data field zones to automatically mark the area of the document processed by the data field zone for redaction via Automated Redaction.
Alternatively, you can configure the Advanced Capture forms' data field zones to automatically redact the area of the document processed by the data field zones during Advanced Capture processing itself, thus bypassing the need to review the redactions in the Automated Redaction Review window. For more information, see the Advanced Capture module reference guide or help files.
Once the Advanced Capture process is complete, the indexed document is available in OnBase(ad hoc Advanced Capture) or it is routed for further indexing/processing/committing in the next batch status queue configured for the scan queue (Advanced Capture); at the same time, depending on your configuration, the document may be made available for review in the Automated Redaction Review window.
Like other methods of initiating Automated Redaction, once the document is reviewed and the pending redactions are approved, a redacted version of the original document is created.
When using an Advanced Capture/ Automated Redaction solution, be aware that users may be able to create redacted versions of documents before they undergo additional indexing or processing and/or before they are committed. It is possible that a user may review and create a redacted version of a document that is later re-indexed, or even deleted. Ensure that redacted documents are only being created for documents that have been properly indexed and meet your minimum image quality standards.