Automated Redaction uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to automatically identify and redact private or sensitive information from image or PDF documents.
Automated Redaction has the ability to identify three separate types of data values for redaction:
OnBase Keywords. Keyword Values associated with the specified Keyword Types are redacted.
Regular Expressions. Text matching the pattern specified by the regular expression is redacted.
Text Strings. Static text can be specified and redacted.
Individual data values requiring redaction are organized into groups called Dictionaries. For example, a Dictionary can be created that contains all personal data about juvenile defendants in a criminal case (e.g., the Juvenile Name and Address Keyword Types, a regular expression matching the format of a Social Security Number, etc.).
An administrator has the ability to create a Dictionary and then assign it to a Document Type. A Dictionary can be used by multiple Document Types and multiple Dictionaries can be assigned to a single Document Type, simplifying the process of configuring multiple Document Types for Automated Redaction.
Once a Dictionary is assigned to a Document Type, documents belonging to that Document Type can undergo ad hoc Automated Redaction in the OnBase Client or the Document Type can be included in an Automated Redaction process.
Ad Hoc Automated Redaction . When ad hoc Automated Redaction is performed, one or more documents are selected in the OnBase Client to undergo Automated Redaction.
Automated Redaction Process. When an Automated Redaction process is performed, a large number of documents belonging to one or more specified Document Types automatically undergo Automated Redaction. These processes can be manually initiated or scheduled, and they can be configured to perform backfile processing, day-forward processing, or both.
If your OnBase solution is configured to use Advanced Capture to index documents, Automated Redaction and Advanced Capture can work together to allow the areas of the document that have undergone Advanced Capture to extract Keyword Values either to be automatically marked for redaction via Automated Redaction or to be automatically redacted during Advanced Capture processing.
Once documents undergo Automated Redaction, they are sent for review. Here, a user with the proper permissions must review and approve/reject all of the pending redactions identified by the OCR engine before the redacted version of the document is created. If necessary, the reviewer can also create additional redaction annotations and add them to the document.
Once the document has been reviewed, the reviewer is able to create the redacted version of the document with a click of a button. Depending on the Document Type's configuration, the original document can be retained or automatically deleted, and the redacted version of the document is created as one of the following:
A new document in the same Document Type as the original, unredacted document.
A new document belonging to a different Document Type than the original, unredacted document.
Tip:This option allows you to assign different Keyword Types and/or specify different User Group security restrictions for the redacted document than you may have for the original, unredacted document.
A revision of the original document. This option requires that your solution be licensed for EDM Services and the original document's Document Type be configured to allow revisions.