Automated Redaction can only be performed on indexed documents.
Three types of Automated Redaction are available:
Ad Hoc Automated Redaction . When ad hoc Automated Redaction is performed, one or more documents are selected in the OnBase Client to undergo Automated Redaction.
See Ad Hoc Automated Redaction for more information.
An Automated Redaction Process. When an Automated Redaction process is performed, a large number of documents belonging to one or more specified Document Types automatically undergo Automated Redaction. These processes can be manually initiated or scheduled, and they can be configured to perform backfile processing, day-forward processing, or both.
See Automated Redaction Processes for more information.
Automated Redaction via an Advanced Capture Process. If your OnBase solution is designed to use Advanced Capture to index documents, your Advanced Capture solution can be configured to do either of the following:
Automatically mark an area of a document for redaction via Automated Redaction once it has been processed via Advanced Capture. The document is then sent for Automated Redaction review and approval.
Automatically redact an area of a document via Automated Redaction during Advanced Capture processing. The document is not sent for Automated Redaction review or approval.
Note:Documents will be sent for Automated Redaction review and approval if any values captured in areas configured for Automated Redaction are marked as suspect during Advanced Capture processing. This holds true even when your system is configured to automatically redact an area of a document during Advanced Capture processing.
These options require additional licensing and configuration.
See Automated Redaction via an Advanced Capture Process for more information.
Your administrator has already identified the information to be redacted by documents undergoing Automated Redaction; however, depending on your configuration, you may be able to specify additional text to be redacted from a document when performing ad hoc Automated Redaction.
Regardless of the type of Automated Redaction that is performed, once documents undergo OCR processing, the review and approval process is the same. See Performing Automated Redaction Review for more information.