To initiate ad hoc Automated Redaction from within the Document Imaging interface:
From the OnBase Client, click Processing | Scan/Index. The Document Imaging window is displayed.
- In the Queue List window, select the batch status queue in which the document you wish to perform Automated Redaction on resides. All batches residing in that batch status queue are listed in the Working window.
In the Working window, double-click the batch containing the document you wish to perform ad hoc Automated Redaction on. All documents residing in that batch are listed in the Working window.
- In the Working window, select the document that you wish to perform ad hoc Automated Redaction on. Right-click and select Perform Automated Redaction.
Depending on your Automated Redaction configuration, you may be prompted to enter additional text strings that will be redacted from the document.
This feature is only available on workstations registered for Automated Redaction.
Note:Your system administrator may configure this dialog box to have a different name than the one displayed.
- Enter an additional text string to be redacted from the document and click Add. The string is added to the list.
- Repeat Step 5a for each additional text string you would like to redact from the document. When finished, click Close.
If the workstation is registered for Automated Redaction, the document undergoes OCR processing. If it is not registered, the document is marked for processing and will be processed later on another workstation.
Once the document is processed, if the user belongs to a User Group with rights to Automated Redaction, then the Automated Redaction Review window automatically opens and the document can be reviewed. If the user does not have rights to Automated Redaction, then the document is marked for review and can be reviewed later by another user.