If your OnBase solution is configured to use Advanced Capture, it may be configured to automatically mark areas of the document that have undergone Advanced Capture for redaction via Automated Redaction.
Documents that have been marked for redaction via Automated Redaction as part of an Advanced Capture process are automatically routed for review after the Advanced Capture process is complete. These documents are reviewed and approved in the same way that documents that undergo ad hoc Automated Redaction or documents that are part of an Automated Redaction process are reviewed and approved.
Alternatively, if your OnBase solution is configured to use Advanced Capture, it may be configured to automatically redact areas of the document during Advanced Capture processing. When this option is used, the documents are not sent for Automated Redaction review and approval.
Documents will be sent for Automated Redaction review and approval if any values captured in areas configured for Automated Redaction are marked as suspect during Advanced Capture processing. This holds true even when your system is configured to automatically redact an area of a document during Advanced Capture processing.
For more information on Advanced Capture, see the Advanced Capture module reference guide or help files.