Error Messages - Bar Code Generator - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Bar Code Generator

Bar Code Generator
Foundation 24.1

Assembly (Hyland.application.AppEnabler.Connector.dll) was not loaded successfully! Please make sure it exists at the appropriate location.

Barcoder will not be able to receive scrape events from Application Enabler!

If the Hyland.Applications.AppEnabler.Connector.dll file is not installed in the same folder as the Bar Code Generator executable ( barcoder.exe), the Bar Code Generator is not able to capture values via the OnBase Application Enabler. Bar code can still be created using values that are entered manually.

A Unity Client instance has not been registered.

This error message may be displayed if the Bar Code Generator application is configured to automatically launch the Application Enabler module upon startup, but the Application Enabler is not properly installed. If you are upgrading from a version of OnBase prior to OnBase 16, this automatic launch of Application Enabler is the default configuration.

To prevent this error message from being displayed, do one of the following:

  • In the Bar Code Generator application's Options dialog box, deselect Auto-launch AppEnabler. This prevents the Bar Code Generator from attempting to launch the Application Enabler upon startup.

  • Ensure that the Application Enabler module is properly installed to work in conjunction with the Bar Code Generator application. For more information on the proper setup, see Installing an Application Enabler/Bar Code Generator Solution.