The location of each bar code must be specified for each Document Type that is part of the Bar Code Process.
To specify the location(s) of the bar codes:
From the Bar Code Process Configuration dialog box, click Document Fields. The Bar Code Field Definition dialog box is displayed.
- Select the Document Type that is to be configured from the Document Type list.
If you are using a bar code to determine the document's Document Type, specify the location information for the Document Type bar code in the Document Identification section.
- In the X field, enter the distance, in inches, from the left side of the page until you reach the start of the bar code.
In the Y field, enter the distance from the top of the page until you reach the start of the bar code.
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in these fields is 6.
Note:If you are using Kofax controls to read bar codes, the VCDemo tool can provide you with the location of the bar code.
Note:The combination of the X and Y fields must provide you with the location of the start of the bar code, regardless of how the bar code will be read (see 2). The page orientation during scanning will have an effect on the X and Y values, from which the field distances are measured.
Because the placement of the bar code may vary slightly from document to document, you can specify how much the bar code may deviate from the specified location. In the Delta X field, enter the number of inches that the bar code may vary to the left or right from the location specified in the X field.
Likewise, for Delta Y, enter the number of inches that the bar code may vary above or below the location specified in the Y field.
Note:The maximum number of characters that can be entered in these fields is 5.
Tip:If bar codes are not consistently placed in the same location on a page, you can choose to define a large area in which the bar code can reside. In some cases, you can identify the entire page, so that a single bar code can be detected no matter where it is located. Use caution when defining large areas and check your documents before configuration and scanning to ensure that they do not contain other bar codes that could accidentally be interpreted as OnBase values.
The ID String allows you to specify an alphanumeric value that OnBase attempts to match to the bar code value to determine whether or not the document should be assigned to the Document Type. Specifying the ID String allows you to place the Document Type bar code in the same location for all Document Types configured to be part of the Bar Code Process and use the actual bar code value to determine which of the Document Types has been found.
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in this field is 36.
Note:Multiple Document Identification entries can be made for each Document Type.
If you are using bar codes to assign Keyword Values to the document, specify the location information for the Keyword Value bar code(s) in the Keyword Type Identification section.
To copy bar code fields for Keyword Values from another Document Type assigned to the Bar Code Format, see Copying Bar Code Fields from Another Document Type.
- In the X field, enter the distance, in inches, from the left side of the page until you reach the start of the bar code.
In the Y field, enter the distance from the top of the page until you reach the start of the bar code.
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in these fields is 6.
Note:If you are using Kofax controls to read bar codes, the VCDemo tool can provide you with the location of the bar code.
Note:The combination of the X and Y fields must provide you with the location of the start of the bar code, regardless of how the bar code will be read (see 2). The page orientation during scanning will have an effect on the X and Y values, from which the field distances are measured.
Because the placement of the bar code may vary slightly from document to document, you can specify how much the bar code may deviate from the specified location. In the Delta X field, enter the number of inches that the bar code may vary to the left or right from the location specified in the X field.
Likewise, for Delta Y, enter the number of inches that the bar code may vary above or below the location specified in the Y field.
Note:The maximum number of characters that can be entered in these fields is 5.
Tip:If bar codes are not consistently placed in the same location on a page, you can choose to define a large area in which the bar code can reside. In some cases, you can identify the entire page, so that a single bar code can be detected no matter where it is located. Use caution when defining large areas and check your documents before configuration and scanning to ensure that they do not contain other bar codes that could accidentally be interpreted as OnBase values.
Use the Keyword Type drop-down list to select one of the following:
The Keyword Type to associate with the value read from the bar code.
The >>Document Date default Keyword Type to populate with the value read from the bar code. You must select the Initialize Date Entry Field to Document Date While Indexing processing option for the scan queue for this feature to function properly.
A pre-configured Unity Script to parse and reformat the value read from the bar code when performing bar code processing in the Unity Client. For more information on using and configuring Unity Forms, contact your first line of support.
Note:If the data type for the Keyword Type of the bar code is set to Date or Currency, set the format for the value by clicking Format. The Currency Format or Date Format dialog box is displayed, allowing you to set the parameters accordingly.
Note:In order to assign a value read from a bar code to a Date/Time Keyword, the format of the value is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format (e.g., 2008-06-24 17:31:00 for 5:31:00 PM on June 24, 2008). If the value represented by the bar code is not in this format, a VB script can be used to parse and reformat the value correctly.
Note:If a comma (,) is used as the decimal symbol for a floating point Keyword Type (e.g., in certain international locales), the floating point Keyword Value is not captured during bar code processing.
Enter a value in the Minimum Occurrences field to set the minimum number of occurrences that a bar code must be displayed on the document.
If the bar code is not displayed on the document at least the minimum number of occurrences, then one of the following occurs:
If the batch is both scanned as Full Index and routed through the Awaiting Bar Code Processing batch status queue, the document does not need to be reviewed manually (i.e., the batch is not routed to the Index in Progress batch status queue).
If the batch is not scanned as Full Index, or if the batch is not routed through the Awaiting Bar Code Processing batch status queue, the document needs to be reviewed manually (i.e., the batch is routed to the Index in Progress batch status queue so the document without the minimum number of occurrences of the bar code can be reviewed).
Note:If you enter a value for the bar code's Keyword Type before scanning, this value counts towards the bar code's minimum number of occurrences on the document.
Use the Unique drop-down list to select whether bar code fields are marked as unique.
When Unique is set to Yes, if the Document Type and Keyword Value match an existing document, the following conditions occur:
If the value is read from a bar code and the value changes from the last-read value on the current document, a new document is created.
Depending on the scan queue's Unique Bar Code Keyword Match settings, the user can specify that the page/document should be appended to the existing document.
Note:When Unique is set to Yes, and the Append Page Only and Keep Keywords options are selected for the scan queue, the OnBase Client searches for append targets using only the values from the bar code page. However, under these same conditions, the Unity Client searches for append targets using both the values from the bar code page and the kept values (of the Unique Keyword Type) for the current document being scanned.
- When Unique is set to No, the page/document is not appended to the existing document.
- When finished configuring the Keyword Value bar code, click Add to add it to the Keyword Type Identification list. To remove a Keyword Value bar code from the list, select it and click Remove.
- Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each Keyword Value bar code that needs to be configured for the Document Type.
- Repeat Steps 2-6 for each Document Type that is associated with the Bar Code Process.
When finished, click Close. To clear your selections, click Clear.
As documents undergo bar code processing, the Indexing Status window displays the starting positions and values of all bar codes read on each document. These values are only assigned to a document's configured Keyword Types if the actual starting positions of the corresponding bar codes fall within the X-to- Delta X and Y-to- Delta Y ranges configured for the specified Keyword Types in the Bar Code Field Definition dialog box. When a processed bar code value is assigned to the configured Keyword Type for a document, the Indexing Status window displays a message in the following format: Bar code: Keyword type: <configured Keyword Type name> - Value: <processed bar code value>.