Processing Setup - Bar Code Process - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Bar Code Process

Bar Code Process
Foundation 23.1

If you experience issues with bar code processing, ensure that your system is properly configured for the type of bar code processing you are attempting to perform. While you can use various types of hardware/software (e.g., the Hyland Bar Code Recognition software, the appropriate Kofax hardware/software, or, in Document Imaging for the Unity Client, the appropriate Fujitsu PaperStream IP hardware/software) to perform the processing, you must configure all aspects of your system to use this same type of processing. This is especially important if you are converting from one type of bar code processing to the other.

To ensure that all aspects of your solution are set up for the same type of bar code processing, perform the following checks:

  • Ensure that the proper type of processing software (i.e., Hyland Bar Code Recognition or Kofax) is installed on the workstation where the bar codes will be extracted.

  • Ensure that the scan format assigned to each batch configured for bar code processing is set to one of the following:

    • TWAIN or ISIS for the Hyland Bar Code Recognition software

    • Kofax for any Kofax hardware or software

    • PaperStreamTwain for any Fujitsu PaperStream IP hardware or software


    The PaperStreamTwain scan format is only available within Document Imaging for the Unity Client.

  • Ensure that the processing workstation is licensed and registered for a Document Imaging license that is appropriate for the type of bar code processing you are using. If the workstation was previously registered for a different Document Imaging license that no longer applies to the current type of bar code processing being used, then the old license registration should be revoked in favor of the current license.

    For example, if you are using the Hyland Bar Code Recognition software, it may be appropriate to register one the following licenses on the processing workstation:

    • Production Document Imaging (TWAIN)

    • Production Document Imaging (ISIS)

    • Production Document Imaging (ISIS or TWAIN)

    • Desktop Document Imaging (i.e., if performing bar code processing via the Awaiting Bar Code Processing batch status queue instead of performing the processing at the time of scanning)

    • Production Document Imaging (Kofax or TWAIN)

    • Desktop Document Imaging (i.e., if performing bar code processing via the Awaiting Bar Code Processing batch status queue instead of performing the processing at the time of scanning)

    If you are using Kofax hardware/software, on the other hand, it may be appropriate to register one of the following licenses on the processing workstation:

    • Production Document Imaging (Kofax or TWAIN)
    • Desktop Document Imaging (i.e., if performing bar code processing via the Awaiting Bar Code Processing batch status queue instead of performing the processing at the time of scanning)

    If you are using Fujitsu PaperStream IP hardware/software with Document Imaging for the Unity Client, you must register one of the following licenses on the processing workstation in order to use PaperStreamTwain scan formats:

    • Production Document Imaging (Kofax or TWAIN)
    • Production Document Imaging (TWAIN)

Regardless of the type of driver being used on your scanner, OnBase does not use the driver to extract bar code values. OnBase only performs bar code processing via the Hyland Bar Code Recognition software, Kofax hardware/software, or Fujitsu PaperStream IP hardware/software.