The -INIFILE command line switch allows you to specify an alternate path to the branchcapture.ini file. The default location of the branchcapture.ini file depends on your workstation's operating system. For more information on the branchcapture.ini file, see INI Options.
To use the -INIFILE command line switch:
Upon subsequent launches of the application, the warning dialog will not be displayed.
Future product upgrades will not delete the shortcut as long as Branch Capture is installed to the same directory as the previous installation (in the above example, the new installation would need to be in C:\Program Files\Hyland\Branch Capture or C:\Program Files(x86)\Hyland\Branch Capture). However, a new shortcut named “ Branch Capture Scanning” will be created by default. This shortcut should be deleted to ensure the correct location for the branchcapture.ini file is being used.