Creating Transaction Log Reports - Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 23.1

Transaction log reports can be created and stored in OnBase for retrieval. This type of report provides detailed information about BIC transactions. Transaction log reports are created in the BIC Transaction Log ArchiveLink Administration page. To create a report:

  1. Under Log Utilities, you can specify a date range for which you want a report created.
  2. After specifying a date range, click Report.
  3. You will be asked Do you really want to create a report? This may take a long time. Click OK to continue and Cancel to abort report creation. If the report is created successfully, Report successfully created. will display on the page.

The following is an example of transaction report:



6/1/2005 6:39:56 PM Transaction Log Report File

Created by: manager Workstation: DEV-002259 (AUTO)


Key Type Name OnBase GUID Doc ID Date Message


100019000000632005 NULL 0 4/14/2005 3:10:19 PM error

DocNumber: 1900000063

Page number headers appear every 65 transactions and column names appear only once within a report. The Created by value will also equal the BIC user under which the server is running. The workstation will always be equal to the server's name. The column headers are always SAP GUID, OnBase GUID, Doc ID, Date, and Message. If a GUID value is blank, it will display as NULL. OnBase items without identified document IDs have an ID of zero. The reports can be retrieved in OnBase in the SYS Transaction Logs Document Type. The Description Keyword Value displays in the following format: SAP BIC TRANSACTION LOG [From date in m/d/yyyy format] TO [To date in m/d/yyyy format].