Configuring Complex Keys - Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 24.1

Complex keys must be configured when the Object ID reference is not entirely contained within the requesting IDoc. When such keyword updates are sent, BIC has the capacity to assemble Object IDs from a combination of XPaths, SAP Queries, and Constants. Our example will be from the TOA01 table. In some Object ID a number will be followed by 20 spaces and then another number. Here is an example: 0090034060 000001442.

When a Object ID like this is found, multiple tables will need to be queried in order to obtain the correct Object ID. In this example, the first number is from the FIDCCP02/IDOC/E1FIKPF/XBLNR IDoc field, followed by 20 spaces. The second number is taken from the OPTARCNR column within the NAST table.


It is not recommended to configure a NAST query containing an OR statement because doing so can return inconsistent results. Instead, it is recommended to create multiple object keys.

To configure a complex key:

  1. In the OnBase SAP Configuration tool, click New Key. The IDoc Key Editor opens.
  2. Click the Add XML Element button.
  3. Select the newly created element. The following options display.
  4. Enter the path to the field. For our example, enter IDOC/E1FIKPF/XBLNR.
  5. Click the Add Constant Element button.
  6. Select the newly created element. The following options display.
  7. Enter the constant value. For our example, enter 20 spaces.
  8. Click the Add Query Element button.
  9. Select the newly created element. The following options display.
  10. Enter the name of the table that contains the value in the Table field. For our example, enter NAST.
  11. Enter the column that contains the value in the Return Column field. For our example, enter OPTARCNR.
  12. For our example, click Add IDoc Query Item.
  13. Double-click under the Clause column and enter objky eq
  14. Double-click under the Value column and enter ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDK01/BEKNR.
  15. Double-click under the Connector column and enter and.
  16. Select how you want to query the link table. You can select First (Oldest) to query for the first result, which is the oldest. You can select Last (Most Recent) to query for the last result, which is the most recent. You can select All to query for all results.

    In cases where a single key contains multiple queries, the All option may only be selected for one of the configured queries.

  17. Click Add IDoc Query Item.
  18. Double-click under the Clause column and enter UHRVR EQ.
  19. Double-click under the Value column and enter ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDK02/UZEIT.
  20. Click Finish Editing when done.