Filtering IDocs - Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Business Indexing Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 24.1

In some instances, you may want to filter SAP IDocs to determine what IDocs should be processed. IDocs can be filtered by <TCODE> tags. When filters are configured, only those tags configured will be processed and only those IDocs that match the filter(s) criteria are stored in the processing directory. If no filters are configured, all IDoc will be processed.

To specify the accepted <TCODE> tags:

  1. In the IDoc Identifiers tab, click Filter... The IDoc Filters dialog box is displayed.
  2. On the Simple tab, enter the <TCODE> tag value that you want to include for filtering in the Filter Value field.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all <TCODE> tag values are specified.
  5. Click Run Now.
  6. Restart the BIC Windows Service.

    In addition, you can construct more complete filters. This is accomplished on the Direct tab. This type of filter uses standard xpath query structures. The direct filter approach is useful when you are filtering IDoc that do not have a TCODE tag. You can use OR in the statement to provide additional flexibility.

  7. In the IDoc Identifiers tab, click Filter... The IDoc Filters dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select the Direct tab.
  9. Select the Override Simple Configuration check box.

    Once you convert a simple configuration to a direct configuration, it cannot be converted back. If you decide to use a simple configuration, it must be reconfigured.

  10. A message displays asking whether you wish to override the simple configuration displays. Click Yes to continue. The field becomes enabled. If you already have a simple filter configured, it will be converted to a direct filter.
  11. Enter the filter constraints in the field. An example of a properly configured filter is the following: //TCODE[.=”MIRO”] | //BLART[.=”KK”] This filter is filtering for the TCODE tag value of MIRO or the BLART tag value of KK. | is the syntax for OR.
  12. Click Run Now.
  13. Restart the BIC Windows Service.