Selecting a Primary User Group for License Restrictions - CAD Services - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

CAD Services

CAD Services
Foundation 22.1

Once the License Affinity has been assigned for a User Group, each user associated with those groups must be assigned to a primary User Group for license restrictions.


A user must have a primary User Group assigned even if they are only assigned to one User Group.

To assign a primary User Group for license restrictions to a user:

  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, select Users | User Names/Passwords. The User Names & Passwords dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select a user from the User Name list and click User Groups. The Groups for <User Name> dialog box is displayed.
  3. The User Groups to which the selected user is assigned are displayed in the Selected User Groups list. Other available User Groups are listed in the Available User Groups list.
    Click Add>> or <<Remove to add or remove the selected user from a User Group.
  4. Use the Primary user group for license restrictions drop-down to select a primary User Group for this user.

    Only User Groups to which the user has been assigned (i.e. the User Groups listed in the Selected User Groups list) are available in the Primary user group for license restrictions drop-down.

  5. Click Close.