Marking Up Documents - CAD Services - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

CAD Services

CAD Services
Foundation 23.1

The CAD Document Viewer allows you to mark up CAD documents in the Unity Client to share with other users involved with the project.

To mark up a CAD document:

  1. Open a document.
  2. Select the Engineering tab. The Engineering ribbon is displayed.
  3. Click the Show Markups button from the Markups ribbon group to display existing markups on the document.
  4. Mark up the document as needed. See the following table for a brief description of the options available in the internal viewer.




    When this option is selected, you can select existing markups by clicking on them. You can select more than one markup by clicking and dragging to create a selection rectangle over multiple markups.


    You can also hold Ctrl and click on a markup to add the selected markup to the selection group.

    Markups that have not yet been burned in can be moved, resized, or rotated once they are selected.


    You can also use the Ctrl + Q keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Select option.

    Repeat Mode

    When this option is selected, you can add a selected markup multiple times on the document. When this option is not selected, after a markup is made on the document, the Select tool is automatically selected by default.

    The Repeat Mode option is automatically deselected when you select a Note, Standard Note, or Stamp markup type.


    When this option is selected, you can add arrow markups to the document.

    Double Arrow

    When this option is selected, you can add double-sided arrow markups to the document.


    When this option is selected, you can add a straight line to the document.


    When adding a Line markup, you can hold the SHIFT key to snap the line markup to the nearest 45 degree angle.


    When this option is selected, you can add polyline markups to the document. Left-click to add another point to the polyline, or right-click to place the final endpoint. Hold Ctrl while right-clicking to create a final line segment linking the endpoint to the first point created, which closes the polyline.


    When this option is selected, you can add a freehand line to the document.

    Line Measure

    When this option is selected, you can add a line measurement markup to the document. The units used to perform the measurement are determined by the units selected on the Measurement pane of the toolbar.

    Area Measure

    When this option is selected, you can add an area measurement markup to the document. Left-click to add another corner to the area measurement polygon, or right-click to place the final point. The units used to perform the measurement are determined by the units selected on the Measurement pane of the toolbar.


    When this option is selected, you can add a rectangular markup to the document.


    When this option is selected, you can add a cloud-shaped markup to the document.


    When this option is selected, you can add a polycloud markup to the document. Left-click to add another corner to the cloud-shaped polygon, or right-click to place the final corner.


    When this option is selected, you can add an ellipse markup to the document.


    When this option is selected, you can add a polygon to the document. Left-click to add another corner to the polygon, or right-click to place the final point.

    Highlight Pen

    When this option is selected, you can add a freehand highlight markup to the document.


    When this option is selected, you can add a rectangular highlight markup to the document.

    Text Box

    When this option is selected, you can add text box markups to the document.


    Text box markups can store a maximum of 1024 characters.

    Leader Line

    When this option is selected, you can add leader line markups (for example, arrow markups with an attached text box) to the document.


    Leader line markups can store a maximum of 255 characters.



    This option is only supported for use with Electronic Plan Review.

    When this option is selected, users with permission to create review comments can add a Note markup that is linked to a review comment. After adding a Note markup, the Plan Review Comment dialog box is displayed, allowing you to create the review comment that is linked to the added note. See the section on adding user comments in this module reference guide for more information on creating review comments.


    When the owner of the document enters a comment, that comment can be viewed by other users, but not deleted, copied, or pasted by anyone but the owner.

    Linked comments are displayed in the Plan Review Comments pane when reviewer users select the linked markup.

    Note: When adding or editing comments tied to a note markup, be sure to save after each individual addition or edit.

    When a user deletes a review comment that is linked to a Note markup displayed on the current page of the document, the linked Note markup is also deleted.


    Users cannot delete review comments linked to a Note markup that is not on the page.

    Standard Note


    This option is only supported for use with Electronic Plan Review.

    When this option is selected, users with permission to create review comments can add a Standard Note markup that is linked to a standard comment. After adding a Standard Note markup, the Standard Comment dialog box is displayed, allowing you to select the standard comment that will be linked to the added note. See the section on adding standard comments in this module reference guide for more information on creating review comments.


    When the owner of the document enters a comment, that comment can be selected and viewed by other users, but not deleted, copied, or pasted by anyone but the owner.

    Linked comments are displayed in the Plan Review Comments pane when reviewer users select the linked markup.

    Note: When adding or editing comments tied to a standard note markup, be sure to save after each individual addition or edit.

    When a user deletes a standard comment that is linked to a Standard Note markup displayed on the current page of the document, the linked Standard Note markup is also deleted.


    You can quickly navigate to a Standard Note markup linked to a document comment by clicking the Select note markup icon on the comment.


    Users cannot delete standard comments linked to a Note markup that is not on the page.



    This option is only supported for use with Electronic Plan Review.

    When this option is selected, you can add an Image markup to the document. You will only be able to use images to which you have access (for example, through configured Security Keywords or appropriate Document Type privileges).


    When resizing an Image markup, you can hold the SHIFT key to force the markup to maintain its aspect ratio.

    Fill Color

    Select a value from this drop-down select list to specify the color of the interior of any shape markups added to the document (such as Cloud, Rectangle, or Ellipse).

    Line Color

    Select a value from this drop-down select list to specify the line color used when creating shapes, lines, or text markups.


    Select a value from this drop-down select list to specify the weight (width) of the lines used when creating markups. Line weight affects the width of lines used to create most markups, such as shapes, lines, or the outline of text markups.


    Select a value from this drop-down select list to specify the desired font used when creating text and leader line markups.

    Font Size

    Select a value from this drop-down select list to specify the desired text size used when creating text and leader line markups.


    Select this option to format the selected text in bold.


    Select this option to format the selected text in italics.

    Text Color

    Select this option to specify the text color to be used when creating text markups.

    First Page

    Select this option to navigate to the first page of the document.


    You can also use the Ctrl + Home keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the First Page option.

    Previous Page

    Select this option to navigate to the previous page of the document.


    You can also use the Ctrl + Page Up keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Previous Page option.

    Page Number

    Enter a number in the Page Number field and press Enter to navigate to that page of the document, or press the Up or Down arrow keys to navigate to the next or previous page.

    Next Page

    Select this option to navigate to the next page of the document.


    You can also use the Ctrl + Page Down keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Next Page option.

    Last Page

    Select this option to navigate to the last page of the document.


    You can also use the Ctrl + End keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Last Page option.

    Fit To Width

    Select this option to scale the view of the document so that the document takes up the entire width of the viewer window.


    You can also use the Ctrl + 2 keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Fit to Width option.

    Fit To Window

    Select this option to scale the view of the document so that the entire document is visible within the viewer window.


    You can also use the Ctrl + 1 keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Fit to Window option, or the Ctrl + 0 keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Fit to Window option and reset the page rotation to 0.

    Selection Zoom Tool

    Select this option to enable the Selection Zoom Tool. When this tool is enabled you can click on the document to zoom in to a specific region, or press and hold Ctrl while clicking on the document to zoom out.


    You can also hold Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the document, or hold Ctrl and press the + or - keys to zoom in and out.

    To zoom in or out on the entire document, use the zoom field and slider in the bottom right corner of the document viewer. You can adjust the zoom level by moving the slider, or by entering a specific value in the available field.


    You can also use the Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Selection Zoom Tool option.

    Pan Image

    Select this option to pan through the document by clicking and dragging.


    You can also use the Ctrl + M keyboard shortcut from an open document to select the Pan Image option, or press and hold the middle mouse button.

    Rotate Left

    Select this option to rotate the view of the document counterclockwise by 90 degrees.


    You can also hold Ctrl and press the left arrow key to rotate the document counterclockwise.

    Rotate Right

    Select this option to rotate the view of the document clockwise by 90 degrees.


    You can also hold Ctrl and press the right arrow key to rotate the document clockwise.


    Select this option to compare the selected document with another document in OnBase.

    Close Compare

    Select this option to exit compare mode and close the comparison document.

    Display Options

    Select this option to control which documents are displaying in comparison mode.

    • Show Difference - Select this option to display both documents for comparison.


      You can also use the Ctrl + D keyboard shortcut from an open document in Comparison mode to select the Show Difference option.

    • Show Current - Select this option to display the current (original) document.


      You can also use the Ctrl + F keyboard shortcut from an open document in Comparison mode to select the Show Current option.

    • Show Compared - Select this option to display the comparison document.


    You can also use the Ctrl + R keyboard shortcut from an open document in Comparison mode to select the Show Compared option.

    Review Comments

    Select this option to review, create, and manage document-level and project-level comments. For more information on creating, reviewing, and managing document-level and project-level comments, see the sections on adding, viewing, and deleting comments in the Electronic Plan Review documentation.


    This option is only supported for use with Electronic Plan Review.


    Select this option to change the background color of the opened CAD document. The following available color options are available:

    • Grayscale

    • Light Background

    • Dark Background

    When a different background color is selected for the CAD document, the color remains selected when saving or printing the document.


    This option is only supported for use with CAD Services.

    Markup Layers

    Click this button to view a list of all markups on the document, including markups created by other users. You can click on a markup that you have created to select the markup on the document.

    You can click the View button to display or hide a specific markup.


    This option is only available for users that are members of a User Group that have the Manage Markups privilege.

    PDF Layers

    Click this button to view PDF layers for the open PDF document. If the selected PDF Document has PDF layers, the layers list is populated with the names of all active layers for the current page.

    To hide or display a layer, double-click on the layer. The layer's status is changed from hidden to displayed, or vice-versa.


    Click the Reset Visibility button to reset the viewer to display the PDF layers that were initially displayed.

    To hide or display multiple layers simultaneously, press and hold the Shift key and click layers to select multiple layers at once, then press the Space or Enter key to toggle their status between hidden and displayed.


    If a layer spans multiple pages, changing that layer's visibility on one page also changes that layer's visibility for other pages.


    Click this button to view bookmarks for the open PDF document. You can click on a bookmark from the list to navigate to the linked page of the PDF document.


    This option is only supported for use with Electronic Plan Review.

    Page List

    Click this button to view a list of thumbnails for each page of the open PDF document. You can click on a thumbnail from the list to navigate to that page of the PDF document, and you can use the slider beneath the thumbnails to increase or decrease the size of the thumbnails.

    Compare Tools

    Select this option to modify the appearance of the comparison view when a document is being compared with another document in OnBase.


    Click this button to display the Measurement pane. See the section on using measurement tools in this module reference guide for more information on using the Measurement pane.

    Page View

    Click this button to display a thumbnail of the current page in a pane below the currently selected pane. When you zoom in on the document, a zoom selection box is displayed on the thumbnail in the Page View pane. You can click and drag the zoom selection box on the thumbnail to pan across the document image.


    Ensure that all markups are completely on the document. Any segment of a markup that extends off of the document will be cropped off when the markup is burned onto the document.

  5. Once you have finished creating all required markups, you must save your markups by selecting the Save button from the Markups ribbon group of the Engineering ribbon.