A Column Index is a specific area, or column, of a COLD-processed document defined to increase retrieval speed of documents using internal text search. Only the area defined by the column is used in the internal text search. Column indexes are mainly useful for text documents already set up in column format.
For example, if a banking document has a column of cash amounts that the user would like to search, it makes sense to configure a Keyword Type of Amount for the Document Type. A Column Index using the Amount Keyword could then be configured in the COLD processor so end users could search via amounts in the column.
You can set up Column Indexing for multiple columns in a Document Type, and/or multiple Document Types within one process.
The column indexed text is used as the default for all searches, but users can override the default in the Client.
Before configuring the Column Index, select the Use Column Index check box in the Settings dialog for the COLD Process Format's Document Type at Document | Document Types | Settings.
Follow these steps to define a COLUMN INDEX Keyword Type for the COLD Process Format: