Identifying the Document ID String - COLD/ERM - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 23.1

The ID String is used by the COLD processor to identify the beginning of a new document.

  1. Select an ID String by dragging the mouse over the desired text in the sample COLD file. When the mouse is released, the text will be highlighted in yellow.

    Document ID strings are limited to 51 characters.


    Ensure that the ID String highlighted belongs to the correct Document Type before proceeding.

  2. After selecting, let go of the mouse button.
  3. At the menu displayed, select Add ID to Current Document.
    The selected string is displayed immediately below the ID String branch, along with the starting LINE and COLUMN coordinates of the string on the displayed page and the Operator being used. The actual text, identified as the STRING value, is displayed in quotation marks (“ “).
  4. If desired, you can modify the Operator by double-clicking on the Operator branch. The following values are available:

    Operator Value



    When this value is selected, the Visual COLD process will only locate and process pages that contain all configured ID Strings. Any pages that lack one or more of the configured ID Strings will be stored in the SYS Unidentified Items Document Type.

    This value is selected by default.


    When this value is selected, the Visual COLD process will locate and process pages that contain any of the configured ID Strings.

  5. After configuration, click on the coordinates of the string to confirm the location of the Keyword Value. ID strings are displayed in light blue.

    The menu that is displayed after highlighting any string is different than the default right-click menu for a string.

  6. Repeat steps 1-3 for any additional Document Types in the Process Format.

    If you select any part of the image that is not text--e.g., an image or part of an overlay--coordinates will still display, but the strings will only display quotation marks (“ “).