Licensing Certificate Snapshots - Certificate Licensing - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Certificate Licensing

Certificate Licensing
Foundation 24.1

A file containing information about your current system licensing can be generated from Configuration. The generated Licensing Certificate Snapshot is saved as an ASCII file to a location outside OnBase. This file is useful for verifying changes to licensing.


The Licensing Certificate Snapshot is not a valid License Certificate and cannot be imported and used to license a system. The snapshot is intended for reference only.

To generate a snapshot:

  1. In Configuration, select Utils | License Certificate | System Snapshot. The Generate System Licensing Snapshot dialog is displayed.
  2. Under Name used to refer to this system, enter the name used to refer to the system for which the snapshot is being generated.
  3. Under Snapshot File, enter the location and file name of the snapshot.
  4. Click Save. The snapshot is created and saved to the location specified.