The following procedure guides you through importing and validating a license certificate.
From the Utils menu in the Configuration module, choose License Certificate | Import. This initiates the Import License Certificate wizard and displays the Install
License Certificate screen.
- Click Browse to locate the licensing certificate to import. Once you have browsed to the correct licensing certificate, click Open. The wizard inserts the complete file location in the License Certificate File field.
Click Next. If the licensing certificate contains any products that require a database upgrade, the Product Schema Version Alert dialog box is displayed. If the products in the certificate do not require a database upgrade, this dialog box is not displayed.
Select whether to enable or disable the products in the license certificate that require a database upgrade.
Enable Products: Enables the products immediately, and a database upgrade will be required the next time you start OnBase Configuration.
Disable Products: Temporarily disables the products requiring a database upgrade, allowing you to schedule the upgrade at a different time. After you have installed the license certificate, you can enable the products in the Product Licenses dialog box in OnBase Configuration, and the database upgrade will be required the next time you start Configuration.
Click Next. If the certificate is a valid licensing certificate for the connected database, the Review Pending Licensing Changes dialog box is displayed. If the certificate is invalid, an error dialog is displayed instead.
Some licensing certificates require you to acknowledge a special licensing agreement. You must read and confirm the agreement before you can proceed to the Review Pending Licensing Changes dialog box.
Review the License Certificate Installation Report, paying special attention to the increases and decreases in licenses that will occur when the licensing certificate is applied.
Make sure to confirm any reductions in the number of licenses for any modules used in your system. Do not continue the process if you do not believe the listed decreases are accurate. Once the certificate is applied, all licenses that are listed as decreases are lost. If there are decreases to your system licenses shown and you do not believe there should be, then call Hyland Software Licensing to reconcile this difference.
If the certificate contains licenses for products not available in the current version of your software, you are warned of this and advised to upgrade your software to a newer version before installing the certificate. The licensing certificate can still be installed properly without upgrading, but there is no functionality tied to any license from the newer version of the software. It is recommended that you install the certificate with the version of the software that contains all the products for which you will be licensed.
- When you are finished reviewing the licensing changes, click Next to continue, or click Cancel to cancel the import.
The Confirm Data Source dialog prompts you for the data source you want to apply the certificate to. The certificate installation process will not continue until you provide the data source name that matches the data source you are currently connected to.
Type the data source name, and click Next.
If the license certificate will reduce existing licensing, the wizard displays the Warning! screen. Any reductions to existing licensing are applied when you click Next. License increases are not applied until you validate your license certificate later in this procedure
Ensure you can connect to the License Certificates web page (supplied with your license certificate) before clicking Next.
Note:Consider updating systems during non-peak hours to avoid conflicts caused by reduced licensing.
The wizard displays the Enter Response Code screen.
The Challenge Code is used to return a response code that enables you to license the system via the certificate. The challenge code is already selected for easy copying to the Certificate Installation form found on the web page that is supplied to you when you receive your certificate.
Copy (Ctrl-C) the entire Challenge Code.
Go to the Certificate Verification
Form web page and paste the Challenge Code into the Challenge Code field.
Click OK. A response code is displayed in the Response field.
Copy the entire response code from the Response field.
Do not close the Certificate Verification Form web page until you have successfully applied the certificate, in the event that you did not copy or write down the response correctly.
Return to the Enter Response Code screen. Paste the response code into the Response Code field.
Click Next.
If the License Certificate reduces the number of registered workstations allowed, you are prompted to unregister workstations. See Reduce Workstation Licenses.
The licenses specified in the new Licensing Certificate are applied, replacing all prior licenses with the new ones from this certificate.
A copy of the License Certificate Installation Report(increases and decreases in licenses) that you reviewed is imported into the OnBase system under the Document Type SYS - Configuration Reports.
The wizard displays the Certificate Installation Complete screen. At this point, the database has been licensed for the modules listed in the certificate.
- To complete the certificate installation process, click Finish. Once the certificate installation is complete, you can close the Certificate Verification web page.