Test System Creation Using a Command Prompt - Change Control - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Change Control

Change Control
Foundation 22.1

Foundation DBUtils is run automatically as part of the test system creation process. You may run Foundation DBUtils manually prior to test system creation if you want to customize the settings. For more information about customizing Foundation DBUtils, see the Database Reference Guide documentation.

To create a test system environment using a command prompt:

  1. Open the Test System Creation utility by performing one of the following:
    • Open a command prompt, type cd, enter the location of the tsc.exe file, and press Enter.

    • From the Start menu, select Hyland | Test System Creation. A command prompt is opened, displaying information about the Test System Creation utility arguments and the location of the tsc.exe file.

  2. Enter tsc.exe.
  3. Enter the following required arguments, and replace the bracketed text with the appropriate value:

    Required Argument


    /sourcedb:<data source name>

    Name of the source database from which the test environment is created. This database must be included in the tsc.exe.config file.

    /sourceun:<user account>

    OnBase user account used to connect to the database specified by sourcedb.

    The specified user account must have the Test System Creation Product Right.


    Password for the user account specified by sourceun.

    /destinationdb:<data source name>

    Name of the destination database used for the test environment. This database must be included in the tsc.exe.config file. Before running the Test System Creation utility, this database must have a valid table structure created by Foundation DBUtils. For assistance using Foundation DBUtils, contact your first line of support.


    Directory used as the root for Disk Groups copied into the test environment. In this directory, a sub-directory will be created for each Disk Group.

    The following is an example of the command line with all required arguments specified:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Test System Creation>tsc.exe /sourcedb:Database1 /sourceun:MANAGER /sourcepw:password /destinationdb:TestDatabase1 /destinationdiskgrouppath:C:\Databases\TestDatabase1DiskGroups

  4. Enter any of the following optional arguments, and replace the bracketed text with the appropriate value:

    Optional Argument


    /profileid:<profile ID>

    Profile ID of the profile used to create the test environment. Profiles can be created or modified using the Configuration module.

    /profilename:<profile name>

    Profile name of the profile used to create the test environment. Profiles can be created or modified using the Configuration module.


    Enables verbose output. All errors will be shown in the output.


    Resets the password for all user accounts in the test environment to the specified password. If this argument is not entered, passwords will not be reset.


    Copies only administrative users to the new test environment.


    Runs the specified Custom Query in the source database and archives into the test environment all documents that are returned.

    The value for <cq> can either be the name or ID of the Custom Query. The user specified by sourceun must have permissions to access the specified Custom Query.

    This argument can be entered more than once if multiple Custom Queries are necessary.


    Uses the specified Document Type from the source database to populate the test environment.

    The value for <dt> can either be the name or ID of the Document Type. The user specified by sourceun must have permissions to access the specified Document Type.

    This argument can be entered more than once if multiple Document Types are needed.


    Sets the maximum number of documents per Document Type to be populated in the test environment.

    The value for <maxnum> must be between 0 and 9,999. The default value for <maxnum> is 100.

    /installid:<new Install ID>

    Sets the specified Install ID in the test database. The Install ID must consist only of characters in the ASCII character set and must be no more than 50 characters.

    If this argument is not entered, the Install ID will be generated from the source database's Install ID.

    /diskgroupun:<diskgroup user account>

    If the user running Test System Creation does not have the necessary permissions to access the Disk Groups specified by the /destinationdiskgrouppath option, an account with the correct permissions can be specified.

    /diskgrouppw:<diskgroup user password>

    If a different user account is specified for Disk Group access, this option is used to enter the password for the account.

    /sourceconnectionstring:<Source connection String>

    Sets the connection string to the source database.


    This value can also be specified in the tsc.exe.config file. For more information, see Configuration.

    /sourceprovidername:<Source provider name>

    Sets the provider name for the destination connection string.


    This value can also be specified in the tsc.exe.config file. For more information, see Configuration.

    /destinationconnectionstring:<Destination connection string>

    Sets the connection string to the destination database.


    The user specified for the destination database connection string must have privileges in the destination database to create tables, indexes, and users.


    This value can also be specified in the tsc.exe.config file. For more information, see Configuration.

    /destinationprovidername:<Destination provider name>

    Sets the provider name for the destination connection string.


    This value can also be specified in the tsc.exe.config file. For more information, see Configuration.


    For documents copied to the destination database, this setting removes document information and replaces each document with an empty text file in the Disk Group.


    For documents migrated to the destination database through methods other than copying test documents, document information is not removed.

  5. Press Enter.
  6. As the test system creation process is running, progress information is displayed in the command prompt. Test system creation reports are archived in the source database and the test database using the SYS Verification Reports Document Type, and their Document Handles are displayed in the command prompt.
    When the test system creation process is completed, the output indicates that creation is finished and displays the number of errors, if any are detected. If verbose output was not enabled, review any error details in the Diagnostics Console.
  7. Log into the test environment using the Configuration module.
    The System Activation Callback dialog box is displayed.

    Do not close the System Activation Callback dialog box or click Cancel before entering the response code. A new update code is generated every time the System Activation Callback dialog box is displayed. The response code generated for one update code cannot be used for any other update code. Clicking Cancel or closing the dialog box will require you to re-launch the Configuration module to generate a new update code and re-engage your first line of support for a new response code.

  8. Since the System Activation update/response codes are lengthy it is a best practice to relay them via e-mail to ensure that they are communicated accurately. Contact your first line of support to determine which e-mail address the update code should be sent to.
  9. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the update code to the Windows clipboard.
  10. Paste the value from the clipboard into an e-mail message (e.g., press Ctrl-V in the body of the e-mail message), then send the e-mail to the address provided by your first line of support.
  11. When the response code is returned via e-mail from your first line of support, copy the entire response code and paste it into the Response Code field.

    The response code should not contain any line breaks. Ensure that any line breaks introduced by your e-mail program have been removed.

  12. Click OK.
    If the system is activated successfully the The system has been successfully activated prompt is displayed.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Log into the test environment using the OnBase Client and review the test system creation report. Environment values that were cleared are displayed.
  15. In the Configuration module, configure the cleared environment values in the test environment.