Supported Value Types: Per-Item - Change Control - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Change Control

Change Control
Foundation 23.1

The following table lists supported environment-specific values that are set once per configuration item within the EVM utility.

List of Per-Item Values Supported in the Environment Value Management Utility

AFP Processors - Backup Directory

AFP Processors - Default Directory

AFP Processors - Default File Name

AFP Processors - Temporary Parse Path

AFP Processors - Associated Parse File

AFP Processors - Socket Number

AFP Processors - FTP User Name

AFP Processors - FTP Password

AFP Processors - FTP File Path

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Backup Directory

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Default Directory

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Default File Name

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Temporary Parse Path

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Associated Parse File

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Socket Number

AutoFill Keyword Processor - FTP User Name

AutoFill Keyword Processor - FTP Password

AutoFill Keyword Processor - FTP File Path

AutoFill Keyword Processor - Connection String

Caches - Cache Path

Check 21 Processor - File Path

COLD Processors - Backup Directory

COLD Processors - Default Directory

COLD Processors - Default File Name

COLD Processors - Temporary Parse Path

COLD Processors - Associated Parse File

COLD Processors - Socket Number

COLD Processors - FTP User Name

COLD Processors - FTP Password

COLD Processors - FTP File Path

Daily Task Automation Step - Destination Path

Daily Task Automation Step - Alternate Path

Directory Import Processor - Backup Directory

Directory Import Processor - Default Directory

Directory Import Processor - Default File Name

Directory Import Processor - Temporary Parse Path

Directory Import Processor - Associated Parse File

Directory Import Processor - Socket Number

Directory Import Processor - FTP User Name

Directory Import Processor - FTP Password

Directory Import Processor - FTP File Path

DocPop URLs - Document Population Url

Document Composition ODBC Inputs - ODBC DataSource

Document Composition ODBC Inputs - ODBC Username

Document Composition ODBC Inputs - ODBC Password

Document Import Processors - Backup Directory

Document Import Processors - Default Directory

Document Import Processors - Default File Name

Document Import Processors - Temporary Parse Path

Document Import Processors - Associated Parse File

Document Import Processors - Socket Number

Document Import Processors - FTP User Name

Document Import Processors - FTP Password

Document Import Processors - FTP File Path

EDI Processors - Backup Directory

EDI Processors - Default Directory

EDI Processors - Default File Name

EDI Processors - Temporary Parse Path

EDI Processors - Associated Parse File

EDI Processors - Socket Number

EDI Processors - FTP User Name

EDI Processors - FTP Password

EDI Processors - FTP File Path

Export Formats - Destination Path

Export Formats - Export Path

Export Formats - Database Path

External Configuration - SQL Query Connection String

FHIR Client Template - Base URL

File Service Server - Server Address

Full-Text Catalog - Catalog Path

HL7 Destinations - Destination Name

HL7 Destinations - Destination Port

HL7 Import Processes - Dump Path

IHE Communities - Community ID

IHE Communities - Source ID

IHE Communities - Repository ID

Index Extraction - Folder Name

Institutions - Spoof Email

Keyword Type Groups - Connection String

Keyword Types - Data Set Connection String

Mailbox Importer Accounts - Server Address

Mailbox Importer Accounts - Mail Server Port Number (Distribution Service Settings)

Mailbox Importer Accounts - Username

Mailbox Importer Accounts - Password

Medical Pop Hosted Content - Medical Doc Pop URL

MRM External Integration - Server Name

MRM External Integration - Connection String

MRM External Integration - Directory Name

MRM External Integration - File Name

Repository Values - Repository Value

SAP Servers - Server Address

Scan Queues - Sweep Directory

Scheduler Tasks - Network Location

ShareBase Profiles - Authentication Token

ShareBase Profiles - URL

ShareBase Profiles - Webhook URL

ShareBase Formats - UNC Path

ShareBase Formats - UNC Backup Path

Unity Configuration Items - Unity Configuration Item

Unity Connection Strings - Unity Connection String

Web Integration Settings - Exchange Mail Server URL

Web Integration Settings - Exchange User Name

Web Integration Settings - Exchange User Password

Web Integration Settings - OAuth2 Redirect URI

Web Services - WSDL Location

Workflow Action - Call Web Service: URL

Workflow Action - Send Web Request: URI

Workflow Action - Display URL

Workflow Action - Call WCF Service: URL

Workflow Action - Call WCF Service: Service Location

Workflow Action - Export to Network Location: Default Directory

Workflow API Task: Actions - Call Web Service: URL

Workflow API Task: Actions - Send Web Request: URI

Workflow API Task: Actions - Display URL

Workflow API Task: Actions - Call WCF Service: URL

Workflow API Task: Actions - Call WCF Service: Service Location

Workflow API Task: Actions - Export to Network Location: Default Directory

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Call Web Service: URL

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Send Web Request: URI

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Display URL

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Call WCF Service: URL

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Call WCF Service: Service Location

Workflow Life Cycle: Actions - Export to Network Location: Default Directory

Workflow System Event: Actions - Call Web Service: URL

Workflow System Event: Actions - Send Web Request: URI

Workflow System Event: Actions - Display URL

Workflow System Event: Actions - Call WCF Service: URL

Workflow System Event: Actions - Call WCF Service: Service Location

Workflow System Event: Actions - Export to Network Location: Default Directory

Workflow System Task: Actions - Call Web Service: URL

Workflow System Task: Actions - Send Web Request: URI

Workflow System Task: Actions - Display URL

Workflow System Task: Actions - Call WCF Service: URL

Workflow System Task: Actions - Call WCF Service: Service Location

Workflow System Task: Actions - Export to Network Location: Default Directory

WorkView Classes - ODBC Password

WorkView Classes - ODBC Source Name

WorkView Classes - ODBC User Name

WorkView Classes - Linked Server Database Name

WorkView Classes - Linked Server Name

WorkView Datasets - Linked Server Database Name

WorkView Datasets - Linked Server Name

WorkView Datasets - ODBC Password

WorkView Datasets - ODBC Source Name

WorkView Datasets - ODBC User Name

XML Index Document Import Processors - Backup Directory

XML Index Document Import Processors - Default Directory

XML Index Document Import Processors - Default File Name

XML Index Document Import Processors - Temporary Parse Path

XML Index Document Import Processors - Associated Parse File

XML Index Document Import Processors - Socket Number

XML Index Document Import Processors - FTP User Name

XML Index Document Import Processors - FTP Password

XML Index Document Import Processors - FTP File Path