Installation - Change Control - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Change Control

Change Control
Foundation 23.1

The Environment Value Management service involves the installation of two separate parts, the EVM API service and the EVM User Interface.

To install Environment Value Management:

  1. Launch the Environment Value Management installer by executing Hyland.ChangeControl.EVMsetup.exe. The Hyland Environment Value Management Setup window is displayed.
  2. Click Install. The Hyland Change Control EVM API Setup wizard is displayed.
  3. Click Next. The IIS Settings page of the wizard is displayed. On this page you can configure the settings for the IIS application to be created for the EVM API.
  4. Select a Web Site for the API to use from the drop-down.
  5. In the Application Name field, enter the name to use for the EVM API.
  6. In the Application Pool field, enter the name for the EVM API's application pool.
  7. If you want to configure the EVM API to use secure connections only, select the Require SSL option.
  8. Click Next. Another IIS Settings page is displayed.
  9. If your IIS requires you to use specific credentials, select the Specify IIS Application Pool Credentials option. Then enter the credentials in the relevant fields.
  10. Click Next. The Destination Folder page is displayed.
  11. If you need to install the EVM API to a folder other than the default installation location, enter it in the provided field.
  12. Click Next. The Ready to install Hyland Change Control EVM API page is displayed.
  13. Click Install to begin the installation of the EVM API.
  14. When installation of the EVM API is complete, the Hyland Change Control EVM UI wizard is displayed. Click Next.
  15. The IIS Settings page of the wizard is displayed. On this page you can configure the settings for the IIS application to be created for the EVM User Interface.
  16. Select a Web Site for the UI to use from the drop-down.
  17. In the Application Name field, enter the name to use for the EVM UI.
  18. In the Application Pool field, enter the name for the EVM UI's application pool.
  19. If you want to configure the EVM UI to use secure connections only, select the Require SSL option.
  20. Click Next. Another IIS Settings page is displayed.
  21. If your IIS requires you to use specific credentials, select the Specify IIS Application Pool Credentials option. Then enter the credentials in the relevant fields.
  22. Click Next. The Destination Folder page is displayed.
  23. If you need to install the EVM UI to a folder other than the default installation location, enter it in the provided field.
  24. Click Next. The Ready to install Hyland Change Control EVM UI page is displayed.
  25. Click Install to begin the installation of the EVM UI.
  26. When installation is complete, click Finish. The Hyland Environment Value Management Setup window is displayed and confirms that the installation has been successfully completed.
  27. Click Close.
  28. Browse to the install location of the EVM API, by default ../Program Files/Hyland/EVM-API/config.
  29. Open appsettings.json and make the following modifications:
    1. Enter the connection string used to connect to your OnBase database in the ConnectionString section.
    2. Enter the URL for your EVM UI in the AllowedOrigins section.
  30. Save and close the API appsettings.json.
  31. In OnBase Studio, click the Properties button in the Repository section of the Home ribbon. The Properties dialog box is displayed.
  32. Select Change Control from the tree to show the Change Control settings.
  33. In the Environment Value Management URL field, enter the URL to the EVM UI. For example, http://[ServerName.Domain]/evm-ui .
  34. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box. An Environment Value Management button is now displayed in the Change Control section of the Home ribbon.