Check Print Cycles - Check Image Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Check Image Processor

Check Image Processor
Foundation 22.1

To assign the Check Print Cycles:

  1. Select Import | Check Image Processor | Check Print Cycles. The Select Institution dialog box appears and prompts you for an Institution Number.
  2. Some institutions process check images for multiple institutions designated by a unique institution number. The different institutions may use different disk groups for the cycles. In that case, type the Institution Number, to configure the Check Print Cycles for, in the text box. If you are not using different institution numbers, then type the default value of 0 in the text box. To open the Check Cycles dialog box, type the correct Institution Number in the text box.
  3. Click Select.

To configure the disk groups for check print cycles, first select the cycle to be configured. The cycle number and cycle name will be mirrored in the text box under the list. At this point, you can type a new name for the cycle and select the disk group, from the Disk Group list. All images from this cycle will be directed to the selected disk group. Once the disk group is selected, if you opted to rename the cycle, click Save to save the disk group and cycle name.


You must assign a disk group to all of the cycles (1 – 34) for the check process to run correctly.

You can delete cycles by selecting the cycle and clicking Delete, but you must recreate that cycle so that all of the cycles from 1 – 34 are in the list.

Check Print Cycles allows you to assign specific disk groups for different types of check images. The images are usually separated between those that can be printed with a comprehensive account statement and those that cannot.

Cycles 1 – 31 are reserved for printable statement image items. These images include both credits and debits.

Cycle 32 is reserved for a Bad Cycle. These images can be printed, along with the comprehensive account statement, however they cannot be connected to a check imaging document type. Possible reasons for this may include an unmapped trancode or, if trancode mapping is not used, an unknown document type, or one that is not associated with check imaging.

Cycle 33 is reserved for Transit Items. These items are ones that do not belong to the current institution and, therefore, will not be printed along with the comprehensive account statements.

Cycle 34 is reserved for Other Items. These items are check imaging documents other than the Transit Items that will not be printed along with the comprehensive account statements. These may include document types such as mortgage loans, general ledger receipts, and certificates of deposit.

Depending on the size of your institution, you may choose to assign all of the images to one disk group, some types of the images to one and some other types to another, or assign different disk groups to every different type of images.

If more than one disk group is used for the above cycles, for each cycle assigned to a different disk group, a separate batch will be created. The same verification report will be stored in each batch but this is done so that you can see the separation by cycle after processing.