Processor Configuration - Check Image Processor - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Check Image Processor

Check Image Processor
Foundation 22.1

The Check Image Processor processes the information stored in a check data file, storing images, keywords and important information into the document management system's database. During check image processing, the system opens the check data file and reads through it, acquiring the necessary keywords and images, according to the Check Parse Configuration. The images are then stored to the disk group specified for that Check Print Cycle.

The system continues to process the check data file until all the keywords and images are stored.

Though there are many different parse formats for different check data files, the overall configuration of each type of check processor is similar. The differences exist mainly in the options of what keywords to pick up and where to store the images once they are ready to be archived.


For specific information on creating a Branch Capture Check Process, see the Branch Capture module reference guide.