Staples attach documents together. In most cases, a logical relationship is established between documents that are stapled together. For example, documents related to a single customer can be stapled together or an invoice and its associated purchase order can be stapled together. The system does not require a logical relationship between stapled documents.
In order to staple documents, the Use Same Window option check box (in the Display Options of the Document tab in the User Options dialog box) must be deselected. Documents must be in separate windows in order to be stapled to one another.
A staple is considered a type of note and the status bar of a document will display the number of notes applied.
For more information about the staple, double-click on the note status bar (at the bottom of the document window). The Select Note dialog box will display, indicating details of each note, including whether the staple is a front staple (initial document) or a back staple (secondary document dropped onto the initial document).
For documents consisting of multiple revisions, Staple icons appear on all revisions. When viewing a stapled document from any revision of an open document, the latest available revision of the stapled document is displayed.