The Print dialog box presents standard printing options. These options may vary, depending on whether you are printing a single document, multiple documents, or a batch of documents.
The OnBase Print dialog box is displayed when the Print Selected and Print All options are selected from a Document Search Result list's right-click menu. However, the settings in the OnBase Print dialog box are not applied to OLE documents. To change the print settings for an OLE document, you must use the OLE document's native Print dialog box. Microsoft Word documents behave similarly to other documents in that they respect most applicable print settings (orientation options do not apply to Word documents).
Some documents, such as HTML-based documents, may use the print dialog box associated with Microsoft ® Internet Explorer. HTML-based documents will always use the Internet Explorer print dialog box when Print is selected from an open document's right-click menu.
HTML-based documents with content rendered wider than a single printed page may be vertically truncated when printing from the Document Search Results list right-click menu.
HTML-based documents printed by selecting Print Selected from a Document Search Result list's right-click menu may have unexpected print results.