The Verify Access dialog box is accessed by right-clicking on a platter copy and selecting Verify Access. The Verify Access dialog box allows the user to check their permissions on the selected platter copy.
Click Check Platter Access to see a list of all applicable permissions and the access levels granted to the current user for each of these permissions. The Use Discretionary Access Control Lists when possible option is activated by default. When this option is selected, Verify Access uses access control lists to determine if the permissions are granted. When the option is deselected, Verify Access attempts to perform each of the actions as applicable to each permission and reports on the success or failure of each.Once you have clicked Check Platter Access, a list of permissions is displayed with results. For additional details on how access levels were determined, click Details to view the specific actions and checks performed for each access checked.
Once you have determined the levels of access available, click OK to close the Verify Access dialog box.