Retrieving Documents by Document Type Group - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

Document Type Group searches allow you to retrieve documents from multiple Document Types associated with the Document Type Group.


Searching by Document Type Group is only available when it is configured by your system administrator. To determine if you can search a Document Type Group, select a Document Type Group in the Document Type Groups section of the Document Retrieval window. If the Find button is enabled, the option to search the Document Type Group is available.

If Document Types in the Document Type Group are configured with search parameters (for example, to require a Keyword Value be entered for the Date Keyword Type prior to performing the search), the most restrictive search parameter out of all Document Types in the Document Type Group is enforced.

For example, the XYZ Document Type Group contains Document Type A and Document Type B. Document Type A is configured to require the entry of a Date Keyword Value in order to perform the search. Document Type B is configured to only warn the user that a Date Keyword Value should be entered prior to the search, but the search can be performed whether a Date Keyword Value is entered. When a search is performed of the XYZ Document Type Group, the search parameter for Document Type A is enforced as it is the most restrictive of the two search parameters configured.

To retrieve documents by Document Type Groups:

  1. Open the Document Retrieval window in one of the following ways:
    • Click Retrieve Documents from the toolbar.

    • Select File | Open | Retrieve Document.

  2. From the Document Type Groups section, select a Document Type Group from which to search.

    When a Document Type Group is selected, only Keyword Types common to all Document Types in the selected Document Type Group are displayed.

  3. Click Find or press Enter to perform the search. One of the following may occur:
    • If documents are found, a list of documents is retrieved and displayed in the Document Search Results window.

    • If no documents are found, the No Documents Found message is displayed.

    • If search parameters are configured for Document Types in the Document Type Group, the most restrictive search parameter is enforced and a prompt is displayed regarding the search parameter to fulfill. If you are required to enter a Keyword Value, see Use Keywords for Document Retrieval. If you are required to enter a document date or date range, see Retrieving Documents By Date.