Using Custom Queries - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

You can also retrieve documents by using Custom Queries. Custom Queries are predefined sets of search criteria that allow you to quickly access frequently retrieved documents.


Display Columns will not be respected when performing Text Search. Text Search results will be displayed in the External Text Search Results list window.

To search for a document by using a Custom Query, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Open Custom Queries toolbar button or select File | Open | Custom Query.

    The Custom Query window is displayed.

    The left pane displays two tree lists:

    • My Custom Queries

    • All Custom Queries

    The right pane displays your Default Custom Query, which is the first Custom Query listed in the My Custom Queries list.

  2. To open a Custom Query, click on a query in the My Custom Queries list or the All Custom Queries list. The Custom Query is displayed in the right pane.
  3. In most cases, the Custom Query includes a set of instructions. Follow the instructions and enter search criteria in any available text fields.
  4. Click Find, Search, or any other submission button available. The Custom Query Results list is displayed.

    Each row in the Custom Query Results list displays a maximum of 300 characters.

    The Custom Query windows and the columns within the Custom Query Results list are re-sizable. Once a column is re-sized, that column retains that size until you re-size it again or the configuration of the Custom Query has been changed by an administrator.


    If a Keyword Type that is used as a display column has more than one value for a document or folder, the document or folder will be listed for each Keyword Type Value. If Note Contents is used as a display column and multiple notes exist on a document, the document will be listed for each note.

  5. Double-click on the document you are searching for to open the document.

    For more information on using Custom Queries, see Using Custom Queries (Advanced).