If your document's File Format is Text Report Format, the Save Selection Options dialog box is displayed.
The Document Type setting Characters per line is respected when saving a document outside of OnBase. Depending on your system's configuration, text files saved outside of OnBase may be truncated.
Select the appropriate options at this dialog box. These options are described in the following table:
Option |
Description |
Text Range |
Line Conversion |
Space Conversion |
Form Feed Conversion |
Remove Lines |
The Remove Header Line and Remove Footer Line items can be used to strip unwanted text from the top and bottom of each page saved. Select to Remove the Header Line or Remove the Footer Line or select both to remove both upon saving. The number of lines removed from the header and footer are determined by the Report Header Line and Report Footer Line values set for the Document Type on the View / Print Options dialog box. |
Click Save. From the Save As dialog box, select the appropriate options and click Save. The Save As options are described in the following table:
Parameter |
Description |
Save in |
Ensure that the location where the file will be saved is reflected in the Save in field. |
File name |
In the File name field, type the desired name for the new file. Note:
If any of the following characters are used in the file name, they will be replaced with valid characters: * / \ < > : ? | |
Save as type |
Select the format that the document will be saved as from the Save as type drop-down list. A text document can be saved as a text or PDF file. Use the All Files option to save the text document with a different file extension. For example, a text document can be saved as a .csv (comma-separated values) file using this All Files option. |