External mail delivers mail and attached documents from OnBase to a recipient outside the system using a compliant, external email system such as Microsoft® Outlook™. The following information provides a general overview of External Mail Services. For more information, see the External Mail Services Help files or reference manuals. Ask your system administrator to see if your system is set up for External Mail.
In general, documents are delivered in their current format. Text documents that use overlays can be sent as a text documents or converted to image files, depending on your configuration.
If your default mail client is IBM Lotus Notes, emails composed in OnBase are auto-saved in the IBM Lotus Notes drafts folder. When emails are discarded in OnBase before being sent, they are not removed from the IBM Lotus Notes drafts folder.
To send external email messages:
When mail is sent with an attachment or as an attachment, the mail sender or recipient can double-click on the attachment in the opened mail dialog box. Double-clicking allows viewing of the attachment in another window (see example below) or an Opening Mail Attachment dialog box displays, allowing you to either open the attachment or save it to your workstation.
Your document may be set up to display in the system one way and be emailed another way. See your system administrator if unexpected results occur.