Text Search Options - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1



Internal or External Text Search Option


Searches for alphanumeric text.


If you are searching for a number and want to use wildcards in the search, select the Text option. This enables the Use Wildcards option.

Internal and External Text Search


Searches for numeric values and allows the use of the following operators to limit the search: >, <, >=, and <=. The to operator can also be used to search for a range of values.


Results with leading zeros are only returned when you include the leading zero in the search. For example, a search for 7 would not return results for 07.


OnBase is not designed to search for negative numbers. Executing a Number search for a negative number will return no results, even if the negative number is in the document.

Internal and External Text Search

Formatted Number

Searches for numeric values that use formatting characters. For example, to search for all Social Security Numbers greater than 800-000-000, type > 800-00-0000 in the Search String field.

This option allows the use of the >, <, >=, and <= operators to limit the search and the to operator to search for a range of values.


When you search for formatted numbers greater or less than the entered search string, formatted numbers followed by periods are not included in the search results.


OnBase is not designed to search for negative numbers. Executing a Formatted Number search for a negative number will return no results, even if the negative number is in the document.

Internal and External Text Search


Searches for numbers that use currency formatting. Click the Format button to access the formatting options.

See Currency Keyword Formatting Options for the Client for more information.

Internal and External Text Search

Use Wildcards

Select the Use Wildcards check box to use wildcard characters in a text string. A wildcard is a special character that represents one or more unspecified (variable) characters in a text string.

  • The ? wildcard represents a single character in the text string. For example, a search for "Sm?th" will find all instances of both "Smith" and "Smyth".

  • The * wildcard represents multiple unspecified (variable) characters at the beginning or end of a text string. For example, the text string "Ols*" will find all instances of both "Olsen" and "Olson.”

If this option is not selected and you use wildcard characters in the text string, the wildcards are treated as literal characters.


If more than one item on a document meets the wildcard search criteria, that document can be returned multiple times.


You cannot conduct a text search using only wildcard characters.

Internal and External Text Search

Case Sensitive

Select the Case Sensitive check box to limit the search to text that matches the case of the text string. Text searching is not case sensitive by default. For example, the text string "weaver" will find both "weaver" and "Weaver".

Internal and External Text Search


Click Find to locate each instance of the text. During an internal search, the found text is highlighted in the open document.

During an External Text Search, all documents containing the text string are displayed in the Text Search Results window.

Internal and External Text Search*

*Available in the right-click Internal Text Search dialog box only, not in the internal Text Search Toolbar.

Find First

During an Internal Text Search, Find First locates the first instance of the text. Pressing Enter after typing the text string also performs the Find First function.

During an External Text Search, Find First limits the number of hits in each document search to one, which limits search time. If Find First is not selected, each document is searched until all hits are found.

Internal and External Text Search

Find Next

Locates each subsequent instance of the text string in the document.

When performing an Internal Text Search from the right-click menu this option is only available after the first instance of the text is found.

When performing an Internal Text Search from the Text Search Toolbar, this button is enabled immediately.

Internal Text Search Only

Find Prev

Returns to each previously found instance of the text.

Internal Text Search Only


The Distributed option performs an external text search on a network search server (as opposed to a local machine).

External Text Search Only

Generate Report

Text search results can be generated as system reports. The system report is stored as a document in the SYS Search Reports Document Type. For more information on this option, see Generating A Report.


This option is not available if you are executing a Column Index search.

Internal and External Text Search

Column Search

Select Column Search to limit the search to a column range in the document.

For example, to search for text strings that appear in columns 20 through 50, enter 20 and 50 in the From and To (or Start and End) fields, respectively.

The column of characters at the far left of the document is 1, the next column to the right is 2, and so on.

Internal and External Text Search

View/Hide and Show Columns

You can highlight the columns you have selected to search in your document.

When using the Text Search right-click menu option, click View to highlight the selected columns. Click Hide to remove the highlight.

When using Text Search Options from the Text Search Toolbar, select Show Columns to highlight the selected columns. De-select Show Columns to remove the highlight.

Internal Text Search Only

Column Index

To limit your search using a column index, select the column index from the drop-down list.

Column indexes are pointers to pre-identified blocks of text within a COLD-processed document. If you are searching a document that has one or more column indexes, you can limit your search to the selected column index.


This option is available only from the Text Search right-click menu option and only if the document has been column-indexed.

Internal Text Search Only


Click the Clear button to clear any selected options.

Internal and External Text Search


Click the Exit button to close the dialog box.

Internal and External Text Search