Separating the Original Document into New Documents - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

One or more pages of the original document can be used to create new, unique documents.

To separate one or more documents into multiple documents:

  1. Open the document(s) to be separated in the Document Separation window.
  2. The individual pages of all of the selected documents are displayed as thumbnail images. If the document contains more pages than the number of thumbnails that can be displayed in the window, the number of pages remaining in the document is displayed in the window.

    To see a page in greater detail, hold the pointer over it to zoom in on it.

    You can take the following action on each thumbnail image:

    • To copy a single page, select the page and click the Copy Page toolbar button or the Copy Current Page right-click menu option.

      To copy multiple pages, select the pages and click the Copy Selected toolbar button or the Copy Selected Pages right-click menu option.

      To copy an entire document, select the document and click the Copy Document toolbar button or Copy Current Document right-click menu option.

    • Delete a page or pages from the document by double-clicking it; by clicking the Toggle Delete(for a single selected page) or Toggle Delete Selected(for multiple pages) toolbar buttons; or by clicking the Delete Current Page(for a single page) or Delete Selected Pages(for multiple pages) right-click menu option.

      To delete the selected document, click the Delete Document toolbar button or the Delete Current Document right-click menu option.

      Pages marked to be deleted are displayed with a red X through them.

      1. To return pages to the document, double-click the thumbnail again, click the Toggle Delete toolbar button or click the Delete Selected Pages right-click menu option. The red X will be removed from the pages.

  3. Create a new document or modify an existing document displayed in the Document Separation window in one or more of the following ways:
    • Drag-and-drop thumbnails within existing documents to re-order pages in a document or to move pages to different document. A blue bar shows the location in the document where the page will be placed. Drag and drop the image(s) into a new row to create a new document.

      If the document consists of too many pages to be displayed at once in the Separation Workspace, you may drag and drop thumbnails in the Holding Area temporarily to hold the images while you navigate to another part of the document.


      Depending on your system's configuration, the Holding Area may or may not be displayed.

    • Double-click between two thumbnail images to separate the document into two documents at that point. All pages located before the location you double-clicked remain part of the original document. All pages located after the location you double-clicked now compose a new document.

    • Place the marker, a red asterisk (*), between two thumbnail images and click the Break/Unbreak toolbar button or the Break/Unbreak Current Position right-click menu option.

      All pages located before the marker remain part of the original document. All pages located after the marker now compose a new document.

      If the marker is located at the end of the current document, clicking the Break/Unbreak toolbar button or the Break/Unbreak Current Position right-click menu option appends the next document to the end of the current document. If the current document is the last document in the Document Separation window, then nothing is appended to the current document.

    Any thumbnail images you move to a new row comprise a new document. Each row of thumbnail images represents a unique document.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create as many documents as needed.