Additional Custom Toolbar Buttons - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

You can add these additional custom toolbar buttons to your toolbar (User | Toolbar | Customize Toolbar).

Toolbar Button


Refresh the Current Window

Updates the screen.

View Document Information

Displays the Document Information for Document Handle dialog box.

View or Modify Keywords

Displays the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box.


Opens the Re-Index Document dialog box.


Opens the Document Imaging scan queues.

Open COLD Queue

Opens the COLD Queue.

Open DIP Queue

Opens the DIP Queue.

Open Document Template

Opens the Document Templates dialog box.

Save to File

Opens the Save Selection Options dialog box (options for saving the document outside of OnBase).

Delete Selected Items

Click to delete items selected in a Document Results list, or a Cross-References list. This is available from a Document Retrieval list only. This button also allows you to delete an open document.

Your system administrator must assign you deletion rights.

Flip Image Horizontal

Flips the document image horizontally. This feature is not available on text documents.

Image documents with overlays have special flip functionality.

Flip Vertical

Flips the document image vertically. This feature is not available on text documents.

Copy Page to Clipboard

Copies the open document's page to the clipboard. This option is available for text documents only.

Create From Existing Document

Opens the Create new document from existing dialog box.

Create New OLE Document

Opens the Create New Document dialog box.

Open Note

From an open document, opens the Select Note dialog box. The Select Note dialog box displays a list of all note(s) or highlight annotations attached to the document.

Cascade Windows

Arranges all open windows, stacked from the upper left of the desktop to the lower right.

Change Font

Displays the Font dialog box. From here you can change the appearance of the text in text documents. This option is available for text documents only.

  1. Choose from the list of fonts, which is composed of all fixed pitch fonts installed on your system

  2. Click OK. Text documents will now display using the new font settings.

Run VB1, Run VB2, Run VB3

Click to run the VB Script associated with VB1, VB2, or VB3.

You must have VB Scripts associated with Run VB1, Run VB2, and Run VB3 before they will become enabled.

To associate VB Scripts with Toolbar buttons in the OnBase Client module, navigate to (User | Workstation Options | VB Scripts).

Create Highlight

After selecting text from within a text document, displays the Choose highlighter dialog box. This provides the list of highlighters that are available for highlighting/annotating your text.

Create New Envelope

Displays the New Envelope dialog box.

Create New Form

Displays a list of available E-Forms or a specific E-Form.

To select a specific E-Form to create when clicking Create New Form, add the button to your current toolbar layout and click Settings. Select the E-Form in the New Form Document dialog box and click OK. When <NO FORM ASSIGNED> is selected, a list of available E-Forms is displayed after clicking Create New Form.


Your selection in the New Form Document dialog box is not applied when you select File | New | Forms. Selecting File | New | Forms will still display a list of all available forms to create.

Create ROI Request

Displays the ROI Request Creation wizard, which lets you create a new ROI request to be processed. This button requires one of the Medical Records Release of Information licenses.

Open Workstation Options

Displays the Workstation Options dialog box.

Open User Options

Displays the User Options dialog box.

Rotate Image 180 Degrees

From an open image document, rotates the image 180 degrees. This feature does not function on text documents.

Image documents with overlays have special rotate functionality.

Invert Image

From an open image document, inverts the images colors (i.e. black writing on a white background will become white writing on a black background). This feature does not function on text documents.

Image documents with overlays have special invert functionality.

View Image at Original Size

From an open document, displays the image in its original size. This feature does not function on text documents.

Go to Line

From an open text document, displays the Go to Line dialog box. Type a number and click OK to scroll the document to that line (it will be the first line in the viewable area). This option is available for text documents only.

Go to Page

From an open image or text document, displays the Go To Page dialog box. Type a number and click OK to scroll the document to that page.


Use this option to navigate to suppressed pages of an image document. Suppressed pages are not displayed in the Document Viewer by default. For more information on suppressed pages, see your system administrator.

Previous Document

From an open image or text document, displays the previous document in the Document Retrieval list.

Next Document

From an open image or text document, displays the next document in the Document Retrieval list.

Mail Document (Internal)

From a document retrieval list or from within a document, displays the Send Mail dialog box (for internal mail). The document you have selected or have open will be sent as an attachment.

Mail Document (External)

From a document retrieval list or from within a document, displays the new message dialog box of your external mail program. The document you have selected or have open will be an attachment.

Open Envelope

Displays the Open Envelope dialog box, which contains all available envelopes.

Append to Envelope

Select a document from a document retrieval list and click button to display the Append to Envelope dialog box containing all available envelopes. Double-click an envelope to add the document to that envelope.

Mail Selected Text as Attachment

Attaches the selected text as an attachment to an internal or external mail message. This option is available for text documents only.

Open Print Queue

Displays the Print Queue dialog box.

Open Trash Can

Displays the Trash Can dialog box.

Open Help Search

Opens the Help files at the Search tab.

Open Help Index

Opens the Help files at the Index tab.

Open Help

Opens the Help files.

View Document History

From an open document (or selected document in a document retrieval list), displays the Document History dialog box.

Open Custom Queries

Opens the Custom Queries dialog box.

Open About Box

Opens the About Client dialog box containing licensing agreements, copyrights and general information about the program.

Save Rotation

Saves the document in its rotated position.


If you save the rotation on a page of a DJDE, PCL, or AFP document, the rotation is applied to all pages of the document.

Signature Pad

Launches the Signature Capture dialog box.

View Cross-References

Displays all Document Types cross-referenced to the open document.

Run All Cross-References

Displays all documents cross-referenced to the open document.

Collaboration Workspaces

If your system is licensed for the Collaboration module, this button can be added to the toolbar. Selecting this button displays the My Workspaces window of the Collaboration module.