View Selected You can view a single email message by double-clicking on the message, or selecting the message and clicking View Selected from the right-click menu. To view multiple messages, select the messages and click View Selected from the right-click menu.
Delete Selected To delete one or more email message(s), select the message(s) and click Delete Selected from the right-click menu.
Refresh Click Refresh from the right-click menu of a selected message to update the list of e-mail messages at any time.
If a document has been deleted from the system after it has been sent, the recipient can still view the document unless it has been purged from the system by your system administrator.
You can set your User Options to open the mail window on startup and/or display a notification when you receive new mail. To do this:
- In the Client module, select User | User Options.
- Click the Startup tab.
- Select the Mail check box.
- Click OK.