Viewing Documents - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

When you click a document from a search results list, it opens up in the Document Viewer in the OnBase Client module. If insufficient resources are available to display an image document at its original resolution, the image is displayed at a reduced quality and the Status Bar indicates Quality Reduced.

From an open document, you can access a variety of options, such as emailing the document, viewing its Keyword Values, adding notes to it, etc. (based on your product rights and privileges).


Depending on your system setup and the types of documents you are viewing, you may not have access to all options. Contact your system administrator if you have questions.

The Document Viewer functions may be accessible from different areas of the viewing window (see the graphic below for a description of the parts of the Document Viewer).


Some options are available from right-click menus, the Document menu and the Toolbar. Some options are also available when you select one or more documents from a Document Retrieval List. See your system administrator for additional information about the options available to you.

  1. Document Options Icon- Found in the upper-left corner of the title bar. Click this icon for available options.
  2. Main Document Window- This is where the open document displays. From an open document, you can access options from the toolbar buttons, the Document Options icon, or by right-clicking on the main document window or Status Bar.
  3. Thumbnail Window- For image based documents you can elect to display thumbnails in the Thumbnail window. The Image Thumbnails section in the Document tab of User Options provides settings for this window.
  4. Status Bar- The Status Bar provides information about the open document, such as its location, the name of the user who has the document checked out, the number of notes and highlights in the document, the current page number, and the total number of pages. Right-click on the Status Bar to access document options.

    The Status Bar takes into account any suppressed pages contained within an image document. For example, if you are viewing a 10-page document, but only pages 1-3 and 7-10 are being displayed in the viewer, the Status Bar indicates there are 10 Page(s) in the document. The current page number is the actual page number of the document. Using the example above, although the last page is only the seventh page displayed in the viewer, the Status Bar would correctly indicate you are viewing Page 10. For more information on suppressed pages, see your system administrator.

    Double-click the Note(s) field of the Status Bar to display the Select Note dialog box, which lists all document notes and descriptions.

  5. System Window Status Bar- The System Window Status Bar is located at the bottom of the main system window under the document Status Bar. The System Window Status Bar displays context-sensitive help in the left corner, and whether or not the Caps Lock, Number Lock or Scroll Lock keys are enabled on the keyboard in the right corner.
    You can elect to display the System Window Status Bar by selecting Status Bar in the General tab of User Options.