Some documents have one or more Keyword Type Values displayed automatically when you open the document. These Keyword Types are configured by your system administrator to Auto-Display.
For more information, see Auto-Display for Document Keyword Types and Values.
You may use the right-click Copy and Copy All functions on Keyword Values in the Auto-Display window on the document.
To open the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box and access a document's Keyword Values, perform one of the following functions:
Click the View or Modify Keywords toolbar button
Right-click on the open document, or the document's status bar, and select Keywords.
Selecting a document from a document retrieval list and select Document | Keywords
The Add/Modify Keywords dialog box displays. From the Add/Modify Keywords dialog box, you can view or edit Keyword Values, depending on your User Groups and Rights and the Document Type of the document. Some Document Types are configured to Disable Keyword Editing, which renders a document's Keyword Values read-only.