Customizing the Advanced File Cabinets Window - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

The advanced File Cabinets window lets you customize the size and position of its panes. Use this feature to maximize the document display area while retaining easy access to folders.

When you modify the window, your changes are preserved between OnBase sessions, provided that you do not close the Folder Tree or Documents panes. When you re-open the File Cabinets window, its arrangement is the same as it was when you last closed the window.


The Folder Tree and Documents panes are integral to folder usability. If either of these panes is closed when you close the File Cabinets window, then the window is automatically restored to its default display the next time you open it.

To quickly restore the window's default arrangement, right-click any pane's caption, and select Restore Default Display. The caption is the blue bar displaying the pane's name.

You can customize the File Cabinets window by:

  • Floating panes to place them anywhere on your screen. See Docking and Floating Panes.

  • Changing panes' positions within the File Cabinets window. See Moving Docked Panes Within the File Cabinets Window.

  • Sharing panes' docking positions. When panes share a docking position, you can toggle between them by selecting the corresponding tab. See Sharing Docking Positions.

  • Unpinning panes so that they are hidden until you need them. When the panes are unpinned, their captions remain available at the edge of the File Cabinets window. The panes are automatically displayed when your pointer rests over their captions. See Unpinning Panes.

  • Closing panes you do not use. You can open them again from the right-click menu. See Closing Panes.

To move a pane, click its caption and drag it to a new location. As you do so, an outline of the pane is displayed to show you where it will be placed when you release the mouse button.


If you open a folder document and close all the panes, then you cannot access the panes or the restore option from the right-click menu; only the document's right-click options are available. To restore the default display, close and re-open the File Cabinets window.