Docking and Floating Panes - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

A pane's docking position refers to the pane's location within the File Cabinets window. When a pane is docked, it is attached to the File Cabinets window. When a pane is floating, it is displayed in its own window separate from the File Cabinets window.


To provide quick access to OnBase folders while you are working in other applications, move a floating pane outside the OnBase Client window. For example, you can move the Folder Tree onto a second monitor and work in another application on your primary monitor. When you select a folder from the Folder Tree, the OnBase Client is brought to the foreground of your primary monitor, and you can access your documents in OnBase.

  • To float a pane, click and drag its caption away from the File Cabinets window, or double-click the caption. The caption is the blue bar displaying the pane's name.

    If the pane shares a docking position with another pane, double-click the tab of the pane you want to float. To float all panes that share a docking position, you can either double-click one pane's caption, or click and drag one pane's caption away from the File Cabinets window.

  • To dock a pane, drag it to any border within the File Cabinets window (excluding the status bar at the bottom of the window). When you drag the pane over a position where it can be docked, the pane's outline snaps to the docked position.