Creating Folder Note Types - Client - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential


Foundation 22.1

If you have sufficient privileges, you can create the Folder Note Types on which folder notes are based and assign privileges to them.

  1. Open the advanced File Cabinets window.
  2. Display the Folder Notes pane. On any pane's caption, right-click and select Folder Notes.
  3. In the Folder Notes pane, right-click and select Folder Note Types.

    The Folder Note Type Configuration dialog box displays a list of all Folder Note Types that you either created or have rights to configure.

  4. Type a unique name for the Folder Note Type in the field provided.
    Use a naming convention that indicates whether the Folder Note Type is a bookmark.
  5. Click Create.

    Folder Note Types must have unique names. If you receive an error indicating the name is already in use, but it is not displayed in the list, then another note administrator may have configured a Folder Note Type with that name without granting you access to it.

  6. Ensure the Folder Note Type is selected and click Settings. The Folder Note Type Settings dialog box is displayed.
  7. To make the Folder Note Type a bookmark, select Folder Note Includes Bookmark. Bookmarks include a Go to page button that users can click to display the bookmarked page.
  8. To change the note color, select Use Custom Color. Different colors can help users understand the note's importance, function, or relationship to other notes.
    1. Click Change Color. The Color dialog box is displayed.
    2. Select a color.
      • Either select a basic color or click Define Custom Colors to select another color.

      • If you define a custom color and click Add to Custom Colors, the color is added to the Custom colors palette, where you can apply it to other Folder Note Types.

      • Colors in the Custom colors palette remain available for the current session only. When you exit OnBase, the Custom color palette is cleared.

      • Choose a lighter color to contrast with the black note text. Black cannot be chosen because it would render notes unreadable.

    3. Click OK.
  9. Click Save.
  10. From the Folder Note Type Configuration dialog box, click Users. The Folder Note Type Users dialog box is displayed.
  11. From the panes on the left, select the User Group or users who require privileges to this Folder Note Type. If multiple groups and users should have the same privileges, press CTRL as you click to make multiple selections.
  12. Under Privileges, select the privileges to grant to the selected groups or users. The following privileges are available:




    Users can see notes based on this Folder Note Type in the Folder Notes pane of the File Cabinets window.

    Because users must be able to see folder notes in order to work with them, this option is automatically applied to any users given Folder Note Type privileges.


    Users can create notes based on this Folder Note Type.


    Users can edit the text in notes based on this Folder Note Type.


    Users can delete notes based on this Folder Note Type.


    Users can view and edit the configuration of this Folder Note Type, provided that they also have sufficient privileges to configure Folder Note Types.


    The creator of a Folder Note Type can view and edit the Folder Note Type's configuration regardless of this privilege.

  13. Click Add. The selected groups or users and their privileges are displayed in the panes on the right.
  14. To modify a group or user's privileges:
    1. Select the group or user from a pane on the right.
    2. Select or clear privileges as needed.
    3. Click Update.
  15. Click Close.
  16. Repeat steps 415 for each Folder Note Type needed.