You can reply to a post in a workspace discussion thread. You can only reply to a post in a discussion thread if the workspace administrator gave you the Reply to Discussion Threads right.
To reply to a post in a discussion thread:
Select User |
Collaboration | Collaboration Workspaces. The My Workspaces window is displayed.
Select a workspace from the My Workspaces pane. The workspace information and objects are displayed.
Double-click on a discussion thread in the object pane. The discussion thread is displayed in the object viewer.
If multiple posts exist in the discussion thread, click the plus button to the left of the discussion thread to expand the list of available posts.
Select a post to reply to. The post is displayed in the object viewer.
From the object viewer toolbar, click Reply.
The Post Reply dialog box is displayed.
- Edit the subject in the Subject field as necessary.
Enter the text of your reply in the field below the Subject field.
You are allowed a maximum of 4096 characters in a reply.
- Attach any documents to the discussion thread, if necessary. See Attaching Documents to a Discussion Thread for more information on attaching documents.
- Click Save. Your reply is posted in the discussion thread.