-PS activates the client Print Server mode. When a client is in print server mode, it monitors all network print queues assigned in the workstation options for rendering jobs (printing and archiving).
Once the print server detects a new rendering job, it marks the job as In Progress in order to avoid another print server, serving the same network print queue, from rendering the same job. This implies that a print server can serve many network print queues and a network print queue can be served by many print servers.
If the -PS switch is applied to the OnBase Client running as a Windows service, the service must be run under a user account, not a system account (such as the Network Service Account). The account specified must also be logged on to the workstation when the service is running so that the current user section of the registry contains the printer settings of that account.
If the -PS switch is applied to the OnBase Client running as a Windows service, Microsoft Office files and PDF files cannot be printed.