The -HL7LISTENER command line switch runs the HL7 Listener on the OnBase Client. The HL7 Listener receives HL7 messages and processes them using HL7 import processes. By default, the HL7 Listener listens for messages on port 2575.
If multiple HL7 feeds (for example, both ADT and ORU) need to communicate with the HL7 Listener, use a separate port for each feed. Either set up a single HL7 Listener to listen on multiple ports, or set up a separate HL7 Listener for each feed, where each Listener uses its own port.
Do not configure multiple HL7 Listeners to process the same HL7 feed. For example, only one HL7 Listener should be used to process all ADT messages sent to OnBase. If different applications may send ADT messages to different ports, use the -HL7PORT=# switch to allow a single HL7 Listener to listen on the applicable ports.
When the OnBase Client has the -HL7LISTENER command line switch and a user relaunches, the OnBase Client crashes. This issue can be fixed in the INI settings for the OnBase Client.
In the INI settings, locate the {{HL7ListenerCreationRetrySeconds}} setting. This setting controls how long the system will retry to create the listener when the Client is started. If this value is set too low, the previous crash will reoccur. If this setting is set higher, there will be no impact unless the listener cannot be created. In this case, the client will crash when the amount of time specified has elapsed. This will most likely happen if the port the listener wants to use is already taken.