The -HL7LISTENERGROUPS command line switch defines the ports for each Import Processor Group(s) as part of the switch. This overrides the Listening Ports that are defined in the HL7 Import Processor Group settings inOnBase Configuration. This allows multiple HL7 Listener services to process messages for the same HL7 Import Processor Group on the same server without experiencing a port conflict due to the port already being in use by a different HL7 Listener service.
The switch formatting is as follows:
If using the ports that are defined in the HL7 Import Processor Group settings (no switch override), this has not changed. From the MRG: The switch names are defined during the configuration of the HL7 Import Processor Group in the Switch Name field. You can add more than one switch name, separated by commas.
Example A: -HL7LISTENERGROUPS="Group1SwitchName,Group2SwitchName"
If overriding the ports that are defined in the HL7 Import Processor Group settings, the format is <Switch Name>:<port number>.
Example A: -HL7LISTENERGROUPS="Group1SwitchName:Group1Port1;Group1Port2,Group2SwitchName:Group2Port1;Group2Port2"
You can add more than one port number for a switch name by separating the port numbers with a semi-colon and can still add more than one processor group using commas (e.g., <Switch Name>:<port number>;<port number>,<Switch Name>:<port number>,<Switch Name>).
Example B: -HL7LISTENERGROUPS="ADT:2000;2001,SIU:2050"
You can also use the already configured Listener Ports for one or more of the switch names, while defining the port number for one or more of the other switch names.
Example C: -HL7LISTENERGROUPS="ADT:2000;2001,SIU"