When -MRMSANALYSIS is applied as a switch, it creates a medical records Analysis Server. This switch should run on the same Client process as the Closure Server (-MRMSCLOSURE="HH:MM").
This switch requires licensing for the Medical Records Coding Interface or the Medical Records Management Solution.
The Analysis Server carries out the following functions:
The Analysis Server determines whether the chart needs to enter Analysis, Coding, or both, and transitions the chart accordingly (based on the Admit Type and the Coding and Analysis Occur medical system setting).
The Analysis Server transitions charts through the Analysis and Coding queues.
If the length of stay has not been set already, the Analysis Server sets the length of stay on the chart by subtracting the admit date from the discharge date.
The Analysis Server checks whether the chart has all required documents for Coding or Analysis.
The Analysis Server checks charts for possible missing documents according to rules defined by the Missing Document Type Deficiency settings in OnBase Configuration. If any required documents are missing, the server automatically creates a Missing Document chart-level deficiency and assigns it to the attending physician.
When all deficiencies on a document are completed and confirmed, the Analysis Server burns the deficiencies and notes configured with the Burn Note After Chart Processing option onto the document. A new revision or image rendition is created for the document, even if the Document Type is not eligible for revisions or renditions.