The Closure Server performs the following functions:
Sets Chart Status to Closed —Sets all charts that meet necessary requirements to a status of Closed once per day. This switch is required in order to set the status of a chart to Closed. A chart must meet several requirements before it can be closed:
A valid military time must be entered for the variable on this switch to perform the Set Chart Status to Closed function at that time, every day. For example, if you set the switch to -MRMSCLOSURE="00:00", it will be performed at 12:00am.
If an invalid time is entered, the system defaults to 00:00 military time (12:00am.)
Charts must be Completed.
The legal amount of time must have transpired between the patient Discharge Date and when the chart can be Closed (configured in Medical Facility Configuration).
Note:If a facility's Days Before Chart Closing is set to 0, then charts at that facility will never close.
Checks for Loose Documents —Checks for loose documents based on the Closure Server Polling Interval (Minutes) setting in Medical System Settings configuration.
Automatically Unsuspends Charts —Users are required to enter an amount of time in hours and minutes that a chart will be suspended, when the suspension is created. If the user who suspended a chart does not unsuspend the chart within the allotted time for the suspension, the system will check for charts suspended past their allotted time and automatically unsuspend them.
Automatically set applicable charts to an Inactive Status —the system will perform the Days Before Inactive setting in Medical Facility Configuration.
The frequency with which the Closure Server checks for loose documents, suspended charts, and inactive charts is configured using the Closure Server Polling Interval (Minutes) field in the General Settings tab of Medical System Settings.