-EPICANALYSIS - Command Line Switches - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Command Line Switches

Command Line Switches
Foundation 24.1

Charts are created by an HL7 message whose Import Process is configured to Create Medical Chart. Once the chart is created, documents entering OnBase will be assigned to the chart based upon Keyword Values.

When applied as a switch, -EPICANALYSIS creates a server that routes documents through analysis and completion. When all document deficiencies have been completed, the -EPICANALYSIS server burns the deficiencies and notes permanently to the document. A new revision or rendition will be created for the document even if its Document Type does not allow multiple revisions or renditions.

  • An image file format document will have a new revision added.

  • A text document will have an image file format rendition created as a new revision.

  • Notes/deficiencies/annotations will be deleted that are on previous revisions of the document and are not setup to be on all revisions.