Appended to the command line of the Client program, activating the Trace Window, Trace to File and Step Debug buttons, which are useful troubleshooting tools. The following buttons are visible with the -WFTRACE switch added to the Client program command line:
TRACE WINDOW button: opens a window that displays a text description of each step that takes place during the execution of the workflow. This is useful for troubleshooting workflow configurations.
TRACE TO FILE button: enables logging of the activities during execution of a workflow. This differs from the Trace Window in that it writes to the WFDEBUG.TXT file, in the program temp directory specified in the Client program (User | Workstation Options).
STEP DEBUG button: displays a message box after each rule, action or task completes. If Enable Debug Breakpoint option is selected during configuration, the message box displays before the rule, action or task executes.