Configure a Destination - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 22.1

A destination corresponding to the SAP destination used for the integration must be created. Some installation sites may have two or more distinct SAP systems that must function in conjunction with the same content server. Each instance of an SAP installation requires the use of distinct connection information to transmit bar code information between the separate installs.


If you are using a SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) system, you must configure an HTTP destination. See HTTP Destinations for more information.

To create a destination in ArchiveLink Administration:

  1. Expand the Configuration node.
  2. Click the Destinations link.
  3. Enter the Destination name.
  4. Enter the Client number.
  5. Enter the SAP User used to log in to SAP.
  6. Enter the Password for the user entered in the User field.
  7. Enter en for English in the Language field.
  8. Enter the server name that is housing the SAP system in the Hostname field.
  9. Enter the System number.
  10. Enter the Gateway Host.
  11. Enter the Gateway Service.
  12. Click Add.

    All required fields must have values in order for the destination to be saved and added.