Enterprise Integration Server - Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink

Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink
Foundation 22.1

The Enterprise Integration Server is an optional component of an overall Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink solution, which provides a way to seamlessly automate data exchanges between OnBase and SAP systems. This integration is done without costly custom programming.


For more information on the Enterprise Integration Server, see the Enterprise Integration Server module reference guide or contact your OnBase solution provider.

To configure SAP for use with the Enterprise Integration Server:

  1. In SAP, navigate to the SALE transaction.
  2. Select Basic Settings | Logical Systems | Define Logical System.
  3. Click New Entries.
  4. Enter Log.System and Name values:
  5. Press the Enter key.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Navigate to the SM59 transaction.
  8. Select TCP/IP connections.
  9. Click Create.
  10. The RFC Destination screen is displayed.
  11. In the Description 1 field, type a description for the RFC destination.
  12. Select the Technical Settings tab.
  13. In the Activation Type pane, select Registered Server Program.
  14. In the Registered Server Program pane, type a unique name for the program in the Program ID field.
  15. In the Options pane, type the host and service names in the Host and service fields, respectively.
  16. Select the MDMP & Unicode tab.
  17. In the Communication Type with Target System pane:
    • Select Non-Unicode if your SAP system is version 4.6C or lower.

    • Select Unicode if you SAP system is greater than version 4.6C.

  18. Click Save.
  19. Navigate to the WE21 transaction.
  20. Select Transactional RFC.
  21. Click Create.
  22. The Ports in IDoc processing screen is displayed.
  23. In the Port field, type a name for the port.
  24. In the Description field, type a description of the port.
  25. In the RFC destination field, select the RFC destination you created in step 9.
  26. Navigate to the WE20 transaction.
  27. Select Partner Type LS(Logical system).
  28. Click Create.
  29. The Partner profiles screen is displayed.
  30. Type a Partner No. and Partn. Type.
  31. Click Create Outbound Parameter:
  32. The Partner profiles: Outbound parameters screen is displayed.
  33. On the Outbound Options tab, specify a port in the Receiver Port field. This is the port you created in step 21.
  34. Type 1 in the Pack. Size field.
  35. In the Output Mode pane, select Transfer IDoc immed.
  36. In the IDoc Type pane, type a basic type in the Basic type field.
  37. Click Save.
  38. Navigate to the BD64 transaction .
  39. Click Switch between display and edit mode:.
  40. Click Create model view.
  41. The Create Model view dialog box is displayed.
  42. In the Short text field, type a short description.
  43. In the Technical name field, type the technical name.
  44. Click the check box.
  45. Select the model view you just created.
  46. Click Add message type.
  47. In the Model view field, type the name of the model view you just created.
  48. In the Sender field, type the name of the sender.

    This can be found by entering transaction code OY25 under the appropriate client. This sender is also the sender configured in ArchiveLink Administration.

  49. In the Receiver field, type the name of the Partner/Logical system you created in step 28.
  50. In the Message Type field, type the message type.
  51. Click the check box.
  52. Click Save.
  53. Select Environment | Generate Partner Profiles.
  54. The Generate Partner Profile screen is displayed.
  55. In the Output Mode pane, select Transfer IDoc immediately.
  56. In the Processing pane, select Trigger immediately.
  57. Click Execute:
  58. The Profile Generation Confirmation is displayed: